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Nova sighs deeply as she climbs out of her car and pulls her duffel bag with her. She had made a pit stop at the house to gather her things before coming to Edward's. As she made her way to the door, it swung open and revealed her gorgeous man. She took a minute to stand there and admire him. Something she hadn't done in a while. He always waited for her. He was always there for her. Never questioned her motives unless it was to offer a suggestion. How could he be so patient with her?

Edward's smile falters when she doesn't make a move to come in, worry settling into him, "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Nova smiles softly at him before slowly meeting him at the door, her eyes twinkling with moisture as she whispers, "I love you."

Edward's smile brightens a bit as he presses a kiss to her forehead, "As I love you."

He leads her into the house and takes her bag to put it up quickly. She barely makes it to the kitchen area when he comes back.

"I made you dinner. Come eat." Edward says as he leads her into the kitchen. Awaiting her was a table dressed nicely in a ivory white linen sheet and plenty of magical food in front of her. Magical as in fettuccine pasta with meatballs. Nova smiles widely at him as she raises an eyebrow, "And you?"

Edward smiles as he brings out a rare steak and places it in his place. Nova grins and takes a seat.

"How was your trip?"

"I found my grandmother." Nova whispers and Edward looks up in concern when he notices the shift in mood. There, sitting in front of him, is his girlfriend whom he loves so much, yet he was unable to help her. Her pieces of her past was her journey to reflect on, and all he could do was support her.

"She mentioned the circus as a mission. Now I wonder, was the circus ever really a home?" Nova whispers as she thinks about the whole ordeal.

"Love," Edward takes her hand across the table and continues, "Whatever happens. Whether it be family related or foe, I will be here by your side. Always and forever. You are a courageous and brave young woman who knows what she needs to do and how to do it. You're not scared of stepping up to do what's right, and I commend you for it. I will never stand in your way of right, instead I will stand by you. So as I say this, I want to ask you a question."

Nova stares into his golden eyes in curiosity soon gasping as he kneels down on one knee, "Nova Hale, will you marry me?"

Nova stands shakily and falls onto her knees and grabs him in a hug, "Yes, you cheesy idiot."

Edward laughs as he kisses her passionately and brings her close.

"You bought a ring?" Nova blubbers out and he shakes his head, "It was my mother's. But if you don't like it-"

"I love it." Nova says as she watches him slip it on. She kisses the ring softly before hugging him tightly, "I love you so much."

"I promise I'll keep you safe and loved."

Nova smiles, "Lets finish this dinner. Then, we can cuddle."

"He what?!" Lydia exclaims with Ivy on the phone and Nova smiles shyly as she pulls up her hand to show off the oval shaped gem.

"Oh my goodness, it's beautiful!" Ivy squeals and Lydia mutters, "Not as beautiful as when he shines in the sun, but close enough."

"Hello, Ladies." Edward peeps into the camera as Lydia blushes profusely.

"Edward and I are going to fuel me up a bit on food before we head over to the field. Alice says the fight should be soon. How's Derek?" Nova asks softly and Edward places a comforting hand on her back.

"The boys lost him." Ivy rolls her eyes.

"He probably went back home." Nova whispers and Lydia widens her eyes, "Oh God. We have to tell Scott."

"How can you not figure that out?" Nova mumbles and Ivy shakes her head in disappointment.

They chat a bit longer. The girls apologizing for not being able to fight in the fight.

"It's alright, you guys need to focus on getting Derek."

"Alice just called. It's time." Edward peeps his head into the room and Nova nods and smiles, "Right. See ya, girls."

"Nova, before we go out there," Edward stops her to face him, "I gave you that ring for a reason. It's my promise to you to spending eternity with you. I hope you don't do anything rash to let that not happen. Just please, share with me what your plans are first."

Nova nods once, knowing he was terrified of her making an outburst, which he was right to be scared of.

The field was not even covered, but from where Bella and Jacob were, it had been snowing since nightfall. Because people think we look alike, which I still don't see, we placed her further away. I also sent reinforcements, mainly Isaac. Rosalie stands behind me as they see the incoming force. Taking a deep breath, I step forward, until I am standing a few feet away from both groups.

"Before you all charge-" I couldn't finish as two charged at me and I sigh loudly and with a snap their bodies crumbled apart under heavy fire. The other vampires hesitated.

"Like I was saying, before you all charge towards us. You should know who you'll be fighting." I say as pick up an arm from the dead vampires, "Ooh, that doesn't look too good."

A vampire attacks the wolves behind me but to no avail as he, too, bursts into flames.

"Who's next?" I smile wickedly and they all charge.

"Guess all of you. Ok then. FIRE!"

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