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A/N: OMG YOU GUYS WE ARE #6 in Cullen!! Thank you thank you thank you! This book started off with a crazy idea I had in the middle of the night, and now it's something I love writing because of beautiful souls like you! Anyways, besides the tears of joy I'm having right now, enjoy the next few chapters as we gear up for Victoria!

Nova watches from the side as the doctor fills in Sheriff and Melissa on what was to happen. Ivy stands with Scott and Stiles, getting her brother to calm down. Though, Nova felt something off about Stiles which is all the more reason she stood away from him, hoping to go unnoticed.

"Nova?" Stiles breaks her thoughts as she startles.

Sighing softly, she makes her way to him and holds out her arms which he leans into. Tightening their hold on each other, she whispers, "You'll be okay."

"Okay enough to still be your best friend?"

Nova pulls back and cups his face, "You will always be my best friend."

"Hey, what about me?!" Scott and Ivy both whine as Nova shoots them a glare before Stiles laughs, "Some things never change."

"Don't leave me alone with those idiots." Nova warns as she takes Ivy's hand and leads her away.

Ivy stands next to her father, his arm around her, holding her close to him. Noah always admired how both his children took after their mother in looks. Except for Ivy's eyes. Her hazel green eyes were unique to say the least. Looking over his daughter's head, he admires Melissa hugging Scott. Their children were growing up, and yet they had so much burden on their shoulders. He was glad to be there for them. Then his eyes slide to Nova who stood off to his left, away from the others, hugging herself. He remembers the times that Ivy and Nova would have countless sleepovers and how Nova always drifted away whenever he would come home to hug his children.

Sudden realization hits him as he realizes that she probably was scared to get too close to others. In fear they, too, would leave her.

His hand reaches out and lands on her head, smoothing out her hair before pulling her in for a side hug. Her body stiffens a little before relaxing as she looks up at him in curiosity.

"His brain activity is the same as.." The doctor speaks up just as the lights turn off.

"What happened to the lights?" Melissa says just as they turn back on and Sheriff yells, "Where's my son?"

Ivy and the other kids look at each other in knowing glances before Scott springs out.

"Ivy, come with me!" Nova exclaims, grabbing the girl to split up. They dash to the corridor only for Nova to freeze as her eyes meet another whom she hasn't seen in a while. Ivy starts to pull at her arm before looking to where her friend had her gaze locked.

"Nova," Ivy whispers in fear as she sees her friend stiff like a statue.

"Nova? Is that what you call yourself now?" The voice sent shivers down both the girls' backs. It is calm, yet sinister like those villains you never expect to come.

"That's my name." Nova says softly as the figure shakes with cold laughter, "I believe it was Norvina when we were together. At least, some part of it is the same. Couldn't let go of everything, could ya?"

"Nova, come on," Ivy whispers, tugging at her best friend who gulps visibly before turning around, only to yelp in pain.

"Still have a reaction to the old whip I see. Haven't learned to control yourself. Tell me, aren't you almost eighteen now, chanchita? Better get a better handle of that fire within you, wouldn't want you to end up like your mother." The man smiles eerily before walking away and Nova's eyes prickle with tears.

"Are you okay?" Ivy asks quietly to which Nova nods, "We need to find Stiles."


Nova arrives back at Charlie's around midnight. The search for Stiles continued for a while until Ivy and her had to get ready to go back. Not another day of school could be missed. Unlike Beacon Hills High School, Forks High School was strict with their attendance.

"Where were you?" The voice makes Nova jump as she hisses when she bumps into her dresser where the whip had lashed at her.

The concerned golden eyes look at her in worry before lifting her tank top and widening, "What happened?!"


"Nova, that's a huge bruise! You were gone for so long and you come back injured?!" Edward whispers hastily before placing his hand over it, Nova flinching before relaxing against the hand.

"We were gone because Ivy's brother was getting his MRI done, and then he disappeared in the middle of the test. When we went out to look for him, we ran into someone from my past. He did this to me," Nova holds back a cry as Edward growls, "Who was he?"

"They called him Mastré. To many Master of the Marvelors."

"The Marvelors? As in the circus?"

"Sort of. Except the circus was full of people with extraordinary... special talents." Nova bites her lip as Edward nods, "Okay, so what does that have to do with you?"

"Because I was a part of them. I was a Marvelor. That's my first home. My roots start there, in that wicked circus where I lost everything I ever valued dear to me. And now, the most evilest being on the planet is back to haunt me."

"Didn't you say they disowned you? Your parents?"

"My parents died. After that, mere months later, the Mastré wanted me to perform in place of my mother. Except it all went wrong. The fire around the silver hoop flicked onto my dress and I burst into flames. Except I didn't get injured at all. My dress fell to ashes, but the fire, upon touching my skin, wisped away into the air as if someone used the fire extinguisher. I was supposed to die, but I didn't. It was then the Mastré told me my talents couldn't match up and I was forced to leave," Nova recounts before she glances at her hand in realization, "The real reason I can understand now is because of my Phoenix. I didn't burn because fire is a part of me. Just like I didn't die in the Hale house fire. Mastré must have sensed it. Though I don't understand why he sent me away.."

"Whatever it is, now your life is better, right?"

Nova looks up at Edward with a smile, "Yeah, it definitely is."

Leaning in, she kisses his lips with a soft passion which had him melting, but he controlled himself. Instead, smiling into the kiss before lifting her onto the bed for a nice night of peace and quiet.

Dreamer (TW AND TWILIGHT FANFIC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant