Chapter 24

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When jade walked in to her first block the next day all the heads turned towards her

She slouched through the door and over to her seat, trying to keep her head low and fly under the radar since she really wasn't in the mood for small talk with anyone really

But of course it couldn't happen, she threw her bag off her shoulder and onto the ground near the leg of her desk just as everyone in class turned to look at her and stare, the kids in the group and everyone else even if she'd never talked to them and didn't even know they're name

They all turned to look at her

It was also early before school so the teacher wasn't in yet and wouldn't be for a while

Jade wanted to yell at them all for staring at her but she had no idea why they were staring, so she just tried her best to ignore them all but they kept staring relentlessly and didn't stop

"What?!" She finally said, in the near silent classroom

A few of them looked away immediately like they were scared of her tone or face and a couple others just shrugged weakly then went on with work or whatever they had been doing before

Only one brave kid actually replied "ask Chloe"

Jade didn't really know what to say so she just turned her head slowly to look at Chloe who was smirking in a devilish way at her

"What did you do" jade asked, with tints of anger in her voice

"You want to truth?" Chloe asked with no anger just sass in her voice, while taking small cautious steps towards jade

"Well I don't want you lying to me anymore than you obviously have"

"Well jade, you know how you've had like 5 boyfriends this year? That makes you a slut. However those boyfriends were never real. You couldn't even get a boyfriend if you tried your hardest. I've been playing a little game with you that you didn't even know existed. You know what that game was? The game was called "who can date the freak this week". You look like a freak with all that black and goth stuff you wear all the time. When you got to this school you were a very easy target, you were the new kid, Friendless, and even more desperate for friends. My group of friends and I decided that I can fake being nicest the best. That's the only reason I ever talked to you. You're a horrible friend and a horrible person."

Jade really didn't know what to say. There was so much just said to her she hadn't even processed all of it yet

She didn't cry, her lip quivered like she wanted to but she just couldn't

She had practically become immune to crying and holding on the tears at this point

She couldnt cry in front of Chloe and everyone else that has just heard

All her exes, all her barely friends, all the other kids she could've tried to become fiends with but now couldn't because of what they'd just heard come out of the most popular kid in schools mouth

Chloe wanted the satisfaction of seeing her cry and watching her break down but jade wouldn't give it to her

All she did was grab her bag then silently push past Chloe and everyone else to go to her locker  to get her phone

"Mom come pick me up." She said firmly as soon as Anna picked up the phone

"What why?"

"Mom just pick me up ok! Now!"

As soon as Anna had picked her up from school she tried to ask jade about what had happened and why had to pick her up so suddenly

Jade wouldn't talk though

When they arrived home she ran up the stairs, locked her door and let everything out

Well this was a fun one

Today I decided to learn to  play champagne problems on piano

So that's just what I did

Anyways thanks for reading this sad sad chapter, please vote and comment it makes my day!

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