Chapter 17

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"Chloe Chloe chloeeee??? Guess what!!" Jade yelled happily after running out of the school to find her friend leaning against the brick wall waiting to be picked up

"What?!" Chloe Asked Turing to face the source of the voice that had called her

"You won't believe what just happened, Jason just asked me out!" She said smilinh and jumping up and down a bit

"Really?" She asked with a tone and face that she couldn't quite place. It looked like she already knew what had happened but also looked a bit disappointed

Jade suddenly felt really bad and guilty when she came to the realization of why she was making that face. Chloe liked Jason and never told jade so now she was upset that Jason was taking jade out instead of her

Jade paused and bit her lip trying to decide whether to confront her about it and apologize or just keep her mouth shut. ultimately decided not to say anything cause she really liked Jason and wanted to date him so badly. She knew it wasn't the nicest choice but it was the right choice to her

"Yeah! He just asked a couple minutes ago so we're going on a date Saturday "

"Well that's great! I hope you have fun"

Jade paused again since because she didn't seem mad or disappointed anymore. Well that was better than her being angry

"Well I'll see you on Monday, you'll have to tell me all about the date!" Chloe called and her moms car pulled up by the curb

After Chloe left jade got picked up shortly after by Anna and joss

She debated whether or not to tell her about the date. She didn't technically have a dating age but at the same time she had also never exactly asked so she wasn't sure

Before she could decide Anna could tell something was up with her because of how happy she was

"Why are you so smiley today?" She asked playfully while starting the car

"Ok so there's this boy I like right? Yeah so guess what happened today right after school. He asked me out! So now I've got a date Saturday night with him!" She finished still grinning

Anna frowned "jade.. don't you think you're a bit young I mean you're only in seventh grade"

"Oh come on mom I'm sure you had a boyfriend and went n dates when you were my age plus he's super nice and he's great. Pleaseeee"

Anna paused for a moment, her eyes switching between the road and he pleading daughter

"Oh fine but just be careful all right?" She decided finally while hey pulled into their driveway

"I know I know. Thanks mom I'm gonna go plan out my outfit!" She yelled getting out of the car and running up to her room

Ok I was going crazy with my thoughts so I decided to write. My next book is hearts and I've pretty much started that one already so that should be out kinda soon I guess

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