Chapter 3

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All throughout the school year jade kept begging and begging to take dance classes but her father always said that she couldn't

Her mother wanted her too but once David said no to something that was always the final answer

All through April May and June she would ask everyday non stop but said still denied all her requests. She always asked why she couldn't when all the other little girls were allowed to but he never gave a straight answer he would just mutter things about not wanting to make any bad habits and that dance was stupid and a waste of time and money

Eventually jade could tell she still wasn't getting anywhere so she started praying every night before bed. She wasn't religious but she still hoped that her wish would come true

One day her wish did come true on her birthday

After months of praying and nothing happening she remembered her parents- well her father mores weakness


Her birthday was coming up so two weeks before her sixth birthday she asked her parents while they were eating dinner one night

"You know what I want for my birthday mommy?" She asked while taking a bite of potato

"What sweetie?"

"I really wanna do dance. Please daddy? Please mommy it's all I want just that nothing else I promise" she whined with pleading eyes. Her bright blue eyes were always her parents weakness

David sucked in a long breath before blowing it out slowly "we'll see princess" he didn't want to say no but he didn't want her to get into dance and the arts

Later that night while she lay in bed she could hear her parents arguing again through the thin walls of her house

"I told you and her that already a thousand times that I don't want her involved in dance because it's a waste of time and brain space" he shouted

"Then do you want to tell her that we can't make her one and only birthday wish come true? We've never said no to her before she's always gotten what she wants" she shouted back a little bit quieter

She couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because he shouting had slowed down but she could presume he'd finally given in

And she was correct because after Anna convincing David that it was all for fun and good exercise he finally did give in and she started ballet and Tap lessons in October

Due to her being able to pick up movements so fast and her good coordination skills she excelled at both dances and moved up the levels with ease over the next two years

She loved practicing her dances and different steps around the house. Anna loved to watch her and would clap when she finished performing

David however would say nothing and scowl or bury his head deeper into a book or newspaper

At the end of the year her dance studio always had a year end showcase to show off their performers and dancers

Anna loved to sit in the audience and cheer and clap for her after all her dances. She also always brought roses and a treat for her

David however would just sit in the audience and watch his daughter thinking about how much of a disappointment she was in his eyes

Alright we're getting there

Probably won't upload twice most days but I didn't have band and was very bored

Anyone wanna have a conversation? I'm kinda bored

I love y'all don't forget to vote and comment!

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