Chapter 25

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"Jade honey? Could you please open up the door? Are you alright?" Anna asked anxiously as she knocked gently on jades door after she still hadn't come out for almost 5 hours "you missed lunch. You don't have to talk if you don't want to but I need to know you're ok and you need  to at least eat something

"No, I'm fine mom" Anna heard from the other side of the door after a pause

"Please jade, can you just open the door for a second, Joss really wants to see you too" she tried again

"Joss can come in but I'm not coming out"

Jade opened the door just enough so that he could squeeze through the door but Anna couldn't see her

Anna sighed and gave up, going down stairs to make a sandwich to leave outside of her door

"You don't think I'm a horrible person right Joss?" She asked the three year old as he dumped a shirt full of hot wheels on her floor

"Nope! You play cars and Dinos with me, that makes you a good person" he said without even looking at her

"Yeah maybe to you I'm a good person but to other people I'm a bad person"

"No, you're very nice and you're not mean and you're pretty and smart" he said looking up at her and giving her a hug

Jade couldn't believe she was ranting and contemplating things with a three year old but to him the world was so much simpler, he didn't see good and bad, just people that played nicely with him and people who didn't

There was no harshness in the world to him, he forgave easily, didn't hold grudges and as long as you were nice to him he'd be nice to you

If only he rest of the world was like this

She hadnt done anything mean to Chloe or anyone, she was always nice and there for her

So why wasn't she there for jade

She knew she had let her guard down far too much at school because Chloe was right and she was desperate for friends so as soon as she made friends with the popular kids, she let all her walls down

Why did everyone she kept putting trust into keep leaving her?

Her father, Jason, Kyle, griffin, Daniel, nick and then Chloe

"You sad?" Joss asked after playing silently by himself for a few minutes

"No, why would you say that?" She said trying her best to fake a smile for him

"Cause you're not playing with me"
"Oh, I'm just thinking"

They sat and played for a while longer on her floor until it was almost dinner time and Anna knocked again to see if they wanted dinner

"You guys hungry In here?" She asked from the other side of the door peeking her head in

"Yeah! " Joss said getting up, abandoning all his toys and running to her

Anna waited for a reaction from jade but she didn't even look up from her laptop screen

"Jade honey, you want something to eat? I see you ate the sandwich but you should still have some more"

Jade looked up from her screen to her, then let out a big sigh and pushed her laptop off of her

"Yeah fine I guess"

At dinner Anna watched jade pick at her food, she ate a bit but mostly just sat there awkwardly and stiff as if she was waiting for something bad to happen

Joss finished quickly because he had smaller portions so he left the table leaving only jade and anna

"Soooo" Anna started cautiously "you up for talking?"

Jade looked up from her plate and sighed before telling Anna the whole story from the very beginning: all the boyfriends that she hadn't known about, all of the times Chloe had hurt her but brushed it off, everything her father said to her Christmas and finally all the things that had been said to her this morning

"I hate it there mom" she whispered, her voice cracking as she tried suppress the few tears rolled down her cheek

Anna didn't know what to say to all of this news

She hadn't know about any of this and now looking at her daughter who used to be so happy and full of joy as she broke down in tears

She couldn't help her tears either

"I'm so sorry" she whispered into her ear as she leaned forward to give her a hug "we'll get through this ok?"

Jade didn't respond but Anna could feel her nod against her shoulder

Neither knew how they would get through this but they knew they had to

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