Chapter 27

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"Jadey!" Cat called running to find jade sitting in their usual spot outside

Jade cringed at the nickname cat had given her. She hated nicknames. 

"I told you not call me that!" She scolded when cat appeared next to her

"Sorry... but anyways I found the best thing this weekend!" Cat said, sounding apologetic at first but cheering up immediately

Her and cat had been hanging out for the past month every lunch time, just recently as it began warming up enough they started sitting outside in an undercover area instead of in the library

She had done what Anna told her to do, she gave cat a chance and it turned out that every 1/10 conversations you had with her could actually be functional, that was enough for jade so she started tolerating her more and more

"What did you find now" jade sighed, taking a bite out of her sandwich

"So this weekend I was at the green meadow mall right? Yeah and I saw this brochure and I was like 'oh I love brochures I want one!' So I grabbed one and can you guess what it was about?" She finished staring eagerly at jade

Jade just shrugged to signal her to continue her thought

"It was for a high school! But not just any high school, it was for this place called Hollywood arts and it's like this school for super talented kids, I have the brochure right here!" She explained grabbing the crumpled brochure from her backpack and thrusting it in to jades hands

Hollywood arts is now accepting auditions for next years enrolment 
All are welcome, freshman's, sophomores, juniors and seniors!

Jades mouth almost fell open in shock. This was exactly what she needed. She opened it to continue reading about this magical school

Auditions will be held on Saturday April 4th and Sunday April 5th at Hollywood arts high

Contenders will be required to fill out an application and prepare one song to sing for the judges. Be prepared for a dance audition and a cold read

We hope to see you there!

"Cat, we have to go here!" Jade said excitedly "can you sing? Or act?"

"Of course I can" cat sang running a riff at the end

Jade was taken aback, she knew cat danced, maybe she could act, most people can. Singing is always the wild card, but cat couldn't just sing. She was fantastic. She even made jade feel a little bit bad about her own singing abilities

"That was fantastic!" Jade exclaimed, this was the first time in the whole month cat had been best friends with her, that she'd actually seen jade get excited about something she was excited about too "ok we have to audition to go there"

They talked happily about going to their new dream school for the rest of the lunch block. When the bell rang and cat was about to skip off jade stopped her

"Cat wait!" She called after her
"Yeah jadey?" She smiled skipping back to her only friend
Jade grimaced at the nickname again but let it slide because they wasn't the point
"Can I have the brochure?" Jade asked hopefully
Cats face fell and she hugged the brochure closer to her chest
"But I like brochures! And this ones cool" she pouted
Jade let out a breath before saying her least favorite word "please"
Cat hesitated but slowly handed it over to her
"Thanks." Jade said flatly, turning around to head to science
"Take good care of it!" Cat worriedly called after her
"Mom!" Jade called rushing into her house

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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