chapter 18

186 17 15

when Saturday rolled around jade was estatic as ever. she grabbed her clothes that she had laid out on her vanity chair the night before. it was a black skater skirt, a dark red long sleeve shirt and her good black combat boots

Jason had gotten her number from Chloe and had texted her to meet him at the park at 11

It was a little bit early but she decided to leave cause she was too excited to sit at home

She ran down the stairs to say goodby to joss and her mom who were eating breakfast

"Where are you going this early?" Anna asked her wiping her mouth off with a napkin

"I told you yesterday I have a date remember?" She said pausing before going over to joss and giving him a kiss on the head

"are you really sure about going? are you sure you're ready?"

"im sure mom" she replied rolling her eyes and continuing to head towards the door "ill be fine, I promise"

she ran out the door towards the park to find him already waiting for her patiently

"hey" he smiled "you look really pretty"

she couldn't even speak she was blushing so much, his dimples made her feel butterflies in her stomach and the way he smiled at her made her heart flutter

"you look really nice too" she said back after she could finally speak, he was wearing black jeans with a plain white t shirt and he had gelled up his hair a bit so he looked even more handsome than usual

"sooo.. what should we do?" she asked hesitantly, she hadn't gone on dates before so she didn't want to seem too rude or annoying

"Well I dunno I was thinking we go to the diner down the block then kinda just hang out for a bit, yknow, just chill"

"Sure is love too!" She replied a bit too loud and quickly for her liking, but it didn't seem to bother Jason too much

She stood there awkwardly staring at him until they started to walk towards the diner together

About half way there he gently slipped his hand in to hers

Her heart almost jumped at the feeling and made her want to pull her hand back towards herself but eventually she got used to he feeling and relaxed a bit so they walked together hand in hand as a couple for the first time

At one point he looked over his shoulder at her and shot her a goofy grin, she shyly smiled back which only made him smile bigger

"So I guess Chloe told you that I liked you" jade started while they shared a plate of fries and waited for their milkshakes

He chuckled a bit before rubbing the back of his neck out of habit "Yeah, she did"

"Can I ask you something, what made you want to date me?" She asked slowly

"Well I dunno you're super pretty and really smart and I love your eyes, and you're always so nice to everyone no matter what" he blushed

"Aw thanks" she smiled back

After they finished eating their food by headed back to the park- hand in hand of course

They horsed around with each other for the next hour at the park, he pushed her super high on the swings which made her laugh for the first time in a long time

They got along so well it was like they were made for each other, everything about them just seemed to click just like that.

There personality's, they're hobbies, likes and dislikes


After their date her walked her to the end of her street which was just a few houses down

"I love you" he whispered tucking a small strand of her brown locks behind her ear

"I love you too" she said back without any hesitation or stutter

Without thinking he leaned in to kiss her, at first when she saw him come towards her she wasn't so sure but eventually she gave in because she knew they were perfect for each other, practically soulmates

After a few seconds when they pulled apart he mumbled on last "I love you" before walking off

She watched him walk a few steps before turning and running home as fast as she could

"Oh hey honey you're home kinda late, did you have fun?"

"He's perfect mom, he's perfect!"she exclaimed panting and trying to catch her breath while her back was pressed to the front door


I'm back

Sorry I didn't update this in a while but I'm here now

I'm kinda losing hope for this one cause no one really reads it but there's so many more good parts sooooo

Comment you favorite part or don't I guess cause I'm going to sleep now so I'll wake up to it and so I guess you guys get to decide what I wake up too

I know this sounds bad but will someone PLEASE go vote on five chapters of my bade A-Z oneshot

It's so close to 400 votes and 5000 reads so thank you!

Also thanks for 700 on here, anyways thanks for reading vote and comment!

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