Chapter 13

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When jade woke up the next day it felt different

The house felt stranger than usual without him, usually when jade walked down he would be reading the paper at the kitchen table and she would wake from the sound of the coffee maker but now she woke up because of her mother

"Jade? Jade honey wake up" Anna chimed, shaking her daughter awake late In the morning

Jade started stirring and eventually woke up and pushed herself up so she was sitting

"We're going shopping don't forget so hurry and get ready" she called walking out the door into the hall

Jade woke up quickly and straightened up her bed before going to her dresser and grabbing out a blue tank top and some jean shorts. Then she dragged a brush through her hair and headed over to Joshua's room

She was hoping that since the divorce Two days ago her mother would start trying pay more attention to the one year old but that looked like it was yet to happen because he was still asleep

So she woke him up got him dressed in a simple shorts and t shirt before heading down the stairs to make breakfast for the two of them

After she had finished her cereal and he had mostly finished his banana all three of them got in the car and drove to the mall

When they got to the first store Anna took joss to one side of the girls section while jade went to the other side to browse

Jade looked through the racks of clothes for a while but didn't really find anything cause she wasn't sure what she wanted, she also had a bunch of the clothes she needed already and only went to spend time with her mother

"How about this top honey" Anna offered walking over to her, on her left hand hung a loose blue and purple swirly tie dyed shirt

Usually jade would like it because that's what most of her wardrobe was and Anna knew that but for some reason jades automatic response was to wrinkle her nose and deny it

She wasn't sure what had changed, maybe it was going from elementary school to middle school, maybe it was the colours, or maybe it was that her father hadn't liked her when she wore these sorts of clothes so maybe if she changed her wardrobe he would like her more

Nah who was she kidding, he would always hate her but either way the look of the brightly coloured clothes didn't really appeal to her anymore and suddenly she knew what she was looking for

"Thanks mom but I think I'm gonna keep looking. That's not really my style" she apologized quickly before going to where she was looking for

After picking out a bunch of various pieces of clothing she met her mom back where they had before

"Ok I'm done!" She said showing Anna all the clothes she chose

Anna looked at them blankly for a second before finally reacting "wow!... they're all.. so black" she finished after a couple pauses fake smiling

Jade has chosen a couple black shirts with small designs on them but still mostly black, a black tank top, a pair of black jeans and an identical pair with rips

"I thought you liked more bright and blue" Anna added awkwardly "what's with the whole style change"

"I dunno just growing up I guess" jade said flatly

"Alright well let's but them then go for lunch"

Jade hadn't even considered how she would react but she knew that she would probably be ok with it. She knew it would greatly disappoint her father though because he would always make comments about people who wore all black when they were out claiming they were "depressed" I'm really sorry if they offends anyone I'm just trying to think through his eyes but heck what was a little more disappointment

Anna didn't really know what to think about the change but ultimately blamed it on the divorce and that it was just a phase

I'm eating Brussels sprouts and they good

This chapter was kinda meh, do y'all even like this story?

I probably won't update this one tomorrow just my other one but this one was more a filler to hopefully try to explain the black clothes, did it work?

Thanks for reading vote and comment if you wanna!!

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