chapter 10

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anna also stuck to her word and really tried everything to get David to let her take the dance classes again. she gave up on vocals because that's what started this whole thing in the first place but she was still hopeful for dance

nothing worked no matter how head she tried. she tried the same reasons as last time about how it was fun and good exercise but after three months still nothing had happened

she apologized to jade multiple times about having no success but jade always just replied that it was fine and she never like them that much anyways

Anna could tell she was lying

Jade was lying because what she answered was far from the truth. she love them and going without them was hard for her because she was at the studio so often she spent all her nights at home now practically alone. sometimes she would sit in her room ad try to entertain joss who was a little over 6 months now but still extremely boring.

she took care of him more than she should at ten years old because her parent were so wrapped up fighting with each other to even pay attention to him

even her mother was, who was usually a very caring person was too busy trying to defend jade from david.

most of their fights were about jade now, before only a few were but most were about house work or work of Joshua

now everything was about jade. jade this, jade that, jade didn't do this, jade didn't do that. she seemed to do everything wrong now

shed heard it all from her father




waste of time

waste of money

but she never expected to hear anything like this come out of his mouth about her one night

jade usually listened to her parents fights because even though it hurt she still liked to know what people really thought of her

it was late ad she'd just finished putting joss to sleep for the night when she heard another round of fighting break out in the kitchen. she slowly crept towards the stairs, climbed down a few before sitting down and listening

it was another fight about her of course

"david please just let her start dance again. just one class, she's so sad now that dance is gone from her life. she love it so much" Anna pleaded

"no. its a waste of time" he replied gruffly

"children take a lot of time and care, you just have to be willing to give it"

"then I dont want children" he raised his voice a bit so jade could really hear them now even from the stairs

Anna usual calm demeanour switched and she became furious at his outburst

"if you dont want children then why did we have her" she yelled back

"let me put it this way, I want children I just dont want her"

jades world stopped

her heart stopped beating, her breathing became ragged and the room spun

she got up and ran back to her room as fast as she could, ignoring joss's cries who had woke up presumably because of the noise. her parents could deal with him, the child they did want

she rant o her room and slammed the door before flopping on the bed and bursting into tears. she had built up a resilience to crying. its just something that happens when your father says what david says everyday

she always tried her best to please him but he didn't even want her

that's tough to hear that at the age of 10 your own father doesn't want you

damn that was rough. this is probably one of the saddest chapter

did y'all like it? are you crying?

anyways thanks for reading vote and comment your thoughts!

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