Chapter 7

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For the last four month of Anna's pregnancy jade tried her to avoid her mother at all costs unless absolutely necessary that they speak

She stopped eating dinner with her and decided to eat later or just eat in her room alone

She didn't want her to drive her to school so she insisted she could walk since it's only 15 minutes and she was old enough to

She also spent as much time as she could locked in her room but sometimes she would still barge in to try to talk to her so jade would lock herself In the bathroom instead because Anna couldn't walk into there without permission. It was her safe place from her mother and little brother

Anna understood why she didn't like him and didn't want to talk about him. After what David has said especially. It was normal for siblings to feel jealous or replaced when they get told about a new sibling but when someone actually says you're being replaced is a while other story

The only time they had to be together was when she drove jade to her lessons for dance and singing

Anna would try to start a nice conversation about anything but the baby but jade still didn't listen she would just turn away and stare out the window

Jade seemed to think that Anna also wanted to replace jade like David did but that was far from the truth

Anna loved jade and would always be proud of her and support her no matter what she did or who she was

The first time they really spoke in almost 4 months was when jades name got yelled from downstairs by her mom

David was at work so it was just the two of them

Jade ignored it the first time but when the screaming continued she got worried so she clambered down the stairs to find her mother sitting on a kitchen chair with a puddle of liquid on the other side or the room

"You need to call your father and tell him to get home right now cause My water just broke" Anna said clearly in pain

Jade stood frozen for a moment before grabbing the home phone and dialing his number

"H-hello? Mom says you need to come home right now cause she's in labour I think" she said with a shaking voice. She was pretty sure it was just labour but it could be something else. Jade didn't want to lose her mother

"I'll be home right now" he said eagerly before hanging up on her before she could even say bye

Jade awkwardly sat down across from Anna who's she'd never seen in this much pain before

David burst through the door on less than five minutes from what was usually a 20 minute drive and ushered jade to the car before grabbing Anna's hand and gently leading her towards the car

The whole car ride jade felt bitter

Bitter that her father already loved this child more than the child he'd had for almost ten years

Bitter because deep down she knew this kid would be way better than her

Bitter because he came racing home as fast as he possibly could for her brother but showed up almost an hour late to every dance recital

Bitter because she knew she'd never be the favorite again

When they got there Anna got whisked off in a wheel chair and David turned to jade and told her to stay in the waiting room

She waited for 6 hours alone in the waiting room still fuming that she had been left there alone

When her father finally came out to get her she was so angry she wanted to yell but she didn't because it was a hospital waiting room and almost midnight

She didn't want to meet her brother because he'd already ruined her life

But when she looked Into the plastic crib and saw his bright blue eyes and tiny pink lips she couldn't help but soften a little bit and vow to protect her baby brother

So I published again
Hope y'all like it cause it's really gonna go down hill from here and I mean it I know I've said it before but like really brace yourselves

Thanks for reading vote and comment!!

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