Chapter 14

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On September 9th 2005 jade started her first year at creek wood middle school for sixth grade

she was more excited than she had ever been- well except for when she started her dance classes and singing lessons but that was over so this was the next best thing

all throughout elementary school she'd only had a few friends at a time. she wasn't sure why she didn't have many friends cause she really tried to be friendly and he mother had always said if you were nice and respectful to others then people would like you and want to be your friend

somehow that never worked out for jade but that was all the more reason to be optimistic for middle school. the only thing that was different this year was her style change but that shouldn't make people like her any less because she was still the same person as before

she woke up and grabbed her clothes that she had chosen and laid out the night before from her new clothes. she had laid out her new black ripped jeans and a plain black shirt with a criss cross pattern across the chest. after she was dressed she grabbed her new dark red backpack and felt ready to go

not many kids that went to her elementary school were going to creekwood because jade lived farther away from her elementary school than she should've all because david wanted her to go to the best school possible, but now she was going to a much closer school

when she walked into her class she chose a seat near the back and sat quietly for the 10 minutes she had before the bell rang

she looked around nervously at all the other kids, there were about 20 others but none of them looked that friendly. some were running around throwing things, some were sitting in small groups talking and some were also sitting quietly like jade.

while she was observing the room she noticed a girl sitting in a big group with 4 other girls and 6 boys on desks talking kept looking over her shoulder at her, they all threw glances at her every so often and then would whisper

jade wanted to go over and say hi but she was too nervous. if it was only the girl then she would've been fine but there were eleven of the and she didn't want to say something stupid and embarrass herself

luckily for her the girl whispered something to her friends before hopping off her desk to go talk to her

"hi i'm Chloe! what's your name? she asked cheerfully, leaning on the edge of jades desk

jade smiled back widely "im jade"

"that's a pretty name, are you new here?" she questioned cocking her head to the side a bit

"yeah, I dont really know anyone cause I went Dawson's elementary school" she explained trying not to sound stupid or make a bad first impression because her mother also always said that first impressions matter

"wow that's pretty far away, but its ok that you dont have any friends yet because we can be friends!" she smiled

jade was very happy and liked the idea

her first real friend


when jade got home she threw a back pack in the kitchen before running up the stairs to find her mother in Joshua's room getting him up from his second nap

"mom guess what guess what guess what!" she said eagerly going back down the stairs to the kitchen where she just came from, but this time with anna and joss so she could feed him

it seemed like jade had been right and since the divorce anna had been paying more attention to her son

"whats up honey?"

"I made a new friend and her names chloe and she's in three of my classes" she said excitedly

"that's great news!" anna replied " a new friend already, I bet you'll make tons more. so I take it you like middle school already?"

"its perfect!"

yeah so that was fun

I fell asleep in my online class today so that kinda sucks but whatever

a lot of you probably already know this but I started a new I guess bade book so I dunno how much this one will be updated but one of the three will be updated every day

thanks for reading vote and comment!

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