Chapter 19

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Jade and Jason were inseparable after that first date in October

They spent every waking day they could together in their own little world. they went on dates and spent plenty of time kissing

Sure he still talked to Chloe and their other group of friends but other than that they were always together

Jade hadn't really made any other friends other than Jason and Chloe but she still hung out with Chloe a decent amount, she didn't get along well with any of the other members of their group except for Kyle and griffin a bit. None of the other girls liked her because she was new to the school and stuff

Sometimes the whole group would exclude her though. If she went to talk to Chloe or Jason and they where all already talking one of the two would tell her to go away for a minute and then afterwards when she'd asked Jason a couple of times it was always the same answer

"It was nothing ok? Just chill out already"

She was a little taken aback by the answer but thought nothing of it

They walked to class together and texted each other every single day

until they didn't

it was the first day of winter break when jade texted him to say good morning like usual

he didn't respond right away but that was normal so she didn't think too much of it. maybe he slept in since it was the first day of winter break or maybe his phone got taken like it sometimes did

she waited the rest of the day but he still didn't anser her, she thought about going over to his house to check if he was ok but she didn't want to seem pushy

she texted chloe to see if she had heard from him and she had been texting recently with him. when she asked her to ask him to respond to him  but she also never wrote her back

a couple more days went by and she almost forgot about it until it was the day before Christmas eve and she finally got a text back from him

she had been sitting on her floor in her room wrapping presents when her phone finally buzzed

babe: we need to break up

her heart shattered as her hands dropped her phone onto her red floor rug

she quickly picked it back up to make sure she wasn't imagining it or read it wrong

she read it over 4 times and by the fifth time she started bawling so loudly that a three year old Joshua waddled out of his room to see what all the commotion and noise was

"oh no! wha happen jay? why you cwying?" he exclaimed while toddling over to her and throwing his little arms around her neck

jade didn't respond she just kept crying into her knees that were pulled up to her chest

"mommy!" joss yelled towards annas room where she was also preparing for christmas

"whats wrong, whats going on?" anna yelled as she came running into her room to see jade crying and joss trying desperately to comfort her "what happened jade, talk to me."

"he- he dumped me mom" she said hiccupping before breaking into another round of tears

"oh jade" she said sympathetically wrapping her into a tight hug "im sorry"

she wanted to say that she warned her but now wasn't the time to scold her

"Joss can you go play in your room for s minute I'll talk to you then ok?" She asked nicely still enveloping jade in a hug

"Otay mama" he said wandering out into the hallway

"Listen jade" she started, turning jade to face her "you're so much better than this boy ok, he isn't worth it and he's most certainly not worth crying over, so you're gonna calm down then we're all gonna go eat ice cream and have the best Christmas ok?"

"Ok" she hiccuped trying to tale more deep breaths

She'd love to believe it would be the best Christmas but she had to go to her dads for half the day and she hasn't seen him since August so she wasn't too sure

Isn't joss the cutest, what do it guys thinks gonna happen

Anyways hope y'all like it, vote and comment maybe 🥺

Also there's a cat sitting on my balcony with the Christmas lights and he looks magical

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