Chapter 26 (new chapter)

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Sorry for abandoning this story for literally a year but whatever it's back now

The next day at school jade didn't pay any attention to her former "friends"

"Hey freak, where are all your friends? Oh right, you have none!" Chloe laughed, standing next to jade's locker surrounded by all of her popular friends

Chloe had been expecting jade to cause a big scene like she had yesterday in class, or start going off about her being rude, but when all jade did was continue about putting away her coat and grabbing a textbook Chloe didn't know what to do

After a long talk with her mom the night prior, she realized that there was nothing she could do about the past but for the future it was best just not to respond or react if one of them said something. Reacting to them would only give them more power by knowing that what they say gets under her skin, therefore it would continue to happen

But if she didn't react then it would be no fun for them anymore and would likely stop

She waited a few more seconds to see if jade would respond but she hadn't given Chloe so much as a look yet

"Ugh freak" she muttered under her breath before sneering at her and spinning on her heel to leave her alone in the hallway. The rest of her group soon followed

Once they were all gone jade smiled to herself. The plan had worked after all, and as long as she kept that up she maybe she could get through the last four months of middle school without dying

"Hi!" A voice suddenly broke jade out of her thoughts. Standing next to her was a small plain looking girl with light brown hair, a giant smile and eyes that seemed too big for her small head

When jade didn't respond to the girl, instead of doing what most people would do and leave her alone this girl continued talking

"That girl that was just talking to you is mean. Like super mean. She's scary you know why? Because she's in my gym class and she made fun of me for wearing a training bra. Isn't that so mean? Anyways I also have English with her, and you know what? She's mean there too! She told me I was a nerd cau-"

"Who are you?" Jade cut her off furrowing her eyebrows at this girl she didn't know, who was really over sharing to her at eight in the morning

"Oh I'm cat! Like the animal. I love animals and cats and cupcakes and sprinkles. My favorite cupcakes are red velvet cupcakes! I also love mr purple- oh you haven't met mr purple yet!" She realized quickly pulling a large purple giraffe from her pink backpack, and sticking him in jade's face "see this is mr purple!"

When cat first appeared jade thought she was one of chloes friends, who she had sent over to her after jade ignored her attempts to waz her off. But after listening to this girl for more than one sentence, she realized there's no way this girl was one of her friends

She still didn't trust her though

"Ok well, I'm going to go to class now so...bye." She finished awkwardly, trying to back away from the giraffe

"Oh ok, I'll see you around then! Toodles!" She waved, skipping off in the opposite direction as jade

Jade wasn't sure what she meant by "I'll see you around" since she had never seen this girl before. Maybe she was new? Or maybe jade had just been too wrapped up in being perfect and popular to realize there were other people around her
When lunch time rolled around jade was stuck. Usually she sat at the popular table with Chloe, but that was out of the picture. She also didn't want her or any of her other former friends to see her eat alone at a table by herself in the cafeteria, so instead jade went and ate lunch in the library- a place she knew they'd never ever go

She had just barely sat down at a table when she heard a familiar voice coming closer and closer

"Hi hi hi hi hiii!" Cat skipped waving her hand so hard jade thought it might come off

"Oh. Hi" she said dully, beginning to unpack her lunch box

"What are you eating for lunch?" Cat asked cheerfully setting down her sequin unicorn lunch box

Jade did not remember inviting cat to sit down with her

"Probably a sandwich- look, why are you here?"

"Cause you need a friend silly! I've been wanting to be friends with you since seventh grade"
"I don't need any friends!"

Jade thought that after she had said that, then cat would finally get he message that she didn't want to sit with her and leave

She was wrong

"So which high school are you going to?" Cat continued, picking up her apple sauce cup

At that point jade gave up. It was pretty clear that unless she made cat cry, she wouldn't be leaving jade anytime soon

"I dunno probably Sherwood like everyone else" she shrugged

"Woah, me too! Isn't that crazy" cat asked, spooning some apple sauce into her mouth


"So, do you do anything outside of school?" Cat asked

Jade's heart fell. She had forgotten all about her dance and singing lessons this past year, she'd been too wrapped up in her boyfriends and Chloe to even think about that

"Uh, yeah I used to sing and dance" she said shortly

"Why not anymore?"

Because of my asshole father is what jade would've loved to say, but that was a story for another day

"I guess I just got busy" she shrugged

"Oh well I do jazz, I've done tap for 8 years, I love singing, and acting, I want it do ballet again but I can't anymore, you know why? Cause my brother bit the teacher" she rambled, not even checking to see if jade was still listening

Jade was confused at the last part but before she could ask about it, the bell rang signalling them to go to their fourth block
"Hey honey how was school" Anna asked once jade had come up the stairs and wandered into the kitchen to find food

"Fine I guess" she shrugged opening up a cupboard

"Did Chloe try to bother you?" She asked hesitantly

"Yeah, but she left me alone when I didn't react. Then this weird girl started talking to me and just wouldn't stop and now she thinks I'm like her new best friend or something" jade complained, opening a bag of chips

"Well were you nice to her at least?" Anna asked immediately

"Maybe" she shrugged "I was just trying to figure out why she attached herself to me"

"Well maybe she's new and just needs a good friend"

"She's not new. She said she's been wanting to be friends with me since seventh grade. You don't find that creepy?"

"No I think that's sweet!"

Jade just groaned in response

"Just give her a chance ok? If you really don't like her afterwards then that's fine, but I think she at least deserves a chance" Anna instructed, kissing the top of jade's head as she passed her to leave the kitchen

While jade sat and ate her chips she had sometime to think

Cat hadn't done anything wrong, or said anything rude. She didn't have any red flags or reasons why jade should be concerned-apart from hearing that her brother bit their ballet teacher, but that wasn't cat, that was her brother

Maybe bring friends with cat wouldn't be so bad after all

I got some inspiration last night, I don't care if anyone reads them I just need to finish this book

Also reading back on the other chapter I realized that I wrote them wayyy too short, so I'm trying to fix that

Anyways thanks for reading vote and comment!

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