Chapter 2

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After jade had turned 5 and started kindergarten the school hired a dance teacher for two weeks to get the little kids more active in a in way or something and for the first time ever jade found something she really loved and was good at

Something about the way the music made her feel free and told her body what to do next made her fall in love with dance

When the bus dropped her off from school she rushed into the house and threw her bag on the floor in he kitchen

"Mommy daddy guess what I did today?" She shouted running around trying to find them

Eventually she found them sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffees so she quickly wriggled into her seat to sit with them

"What did you do today baby?" Anna asked stroking her hair and giving her a juice box

"Some nice ladies came and taught us dance and I loved it and I love dance so so so much and I really wanna do more pleaseeeeee" She begged getting off her chair and jumping and spinning around the room

"You wanna take dance lessons?" She asked with an excited tone. She's always wanted a daughter since she was little so she could dress her up cute and take her to dance or make her super girly


David still hadn't said anything at this point but the smile that was glazed over his face before when she walked in had been replaced with a disapproving frown

"I'm gonna do dance daddy!" she exclaimed finally stopping moving a bit

"No you're not" he replied still stone faced. This earned him a hard smack on the arm from Anna. Jade stopped moving immediately and widened her eyes


"What does she need dance for?"

"It's good exercise and it's just for fun for a hobby" she argued back. She looked back at jade and quickly whisked her upstairs so she wouldn't have to hear her dreams get crushed

They fought for almost 20 more minutes before Anna quietly knocked on jades sticker covered bedroom door before opening it and seeing her sitting cross legged on her bed crying a bit holding one of her many stuffed animals

"Hey angel, daddy still doesn't like the idea of you doing dance, I'm not sure why. something about he doesn't want you in dance or theatre but maybe he'll come around" she said softly going over to sit next to her

Jade didn't say anything for a while she just hiccuped and tried to take deep breaths. Once she'd finally calmed down a bit it finally set in that her dream wasn't going to come true.

"But I just wanna do dance" she wailed breaking into a fresh round of tears. She wasn't used to not getting what she wanted

"I know baby I know" Anna said wrapping her arms around the small crying girl "I'll try my hardest to convince your father"

Y'all really didn't like that cliffhanger in the last chapter did you. Unfortunately there's gonna be more

I know I said when she turned 6 in the last chapter which is kinda is but kinda five alright so just hang on

Thanks for the comments yesterday they made me happy!!

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