Chapter 20

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After getting off the phone with David to arrange for Christmas, him and Anna decided that jade and joss would have Christmas Eve at their moms house and then Christmas Day at their dads house

It was the first time since the divorce there was a big holiday so this was all new to all four of them

jade wasn't too happy about the chosen arrangement because she would much rather spend all of Christmas day with her mom rather than he dad Or not even her dad at all, but she didn't want to inconvenience either of them and start whining so she just sucked it up 

Joshua on the other hand was excited for this plan because he was still a bit too young to understand everything so all it was to him was double the Christmas and double the presents. not to mention he had also grown to favour david during the weekends they spent at his house every month

since the divorce david had also found a new girlfriend. he had had a couple before that hadn't last long, but this one had just moved in so jade was pretty sure she was staying for good. jade wasn't very fond of her, nor was anna. she hadn't done anything wrong but she also wasnt the nicest towards jade. she just made jade angry because of how quickly he moved on from anna to Grace and how little they both considered Anna's feelings

anna spent Christmas eve trying to cheer jade up about the breakup. even though they hadn't been dating for long but it was her first heartbreak minus her father so it hurt just that little bit more.

they treated Christmas eve like Christmas day so on the 24th jade and joss woke up early in the morning to stockings full of gifts and candies and lots of presents under their tree in the living room they had decorated weeks ago

from santa jade got her very first laptop for school and she was over the moon excited about it. she began to excitedly tell anna all the things she could do with it and how great of a gift it was. she also got a new pair of black jeans and a couple more black and grey shirts which she also loved and put on right away. Her favorite gift though was a black pair of combat boots.

"I thought they'd fit your style nicely" Anna smiled at her just as she opened the box

"They're perfect mom, really really perfect" she smiled back before giving her mom a tight hug

joss got a bunch of matchbox cars and some dinosaurs figurines which he immediately started playing with on the floor next to them

they spent the rest of the day drinking hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies together. Jade also played with joss a bunch and his new actions figures

by the end of the day jade was feeling a lot better and was feeling loved again

Sorry it's so short, I already have the next chapter mostly written but it was getting pretty long so I had to cut it

Thanks for reading, vote and comment!!

Also what should i update next
Generations of love or bade hidden moment?

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