Chapter 22

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After jades crappy Christmas and winter break fiasco she went back to school a week later

She really didn't want to go but at the same time she didn't want to sit at home either. Even though she knew her mother was just trying to be nice she wouldn't leave jade alone for even a moment so she couldn't get any alone time at all to think

She still hadn't talked to Chloe even though she wasn't mad at her she wasn't exactly on good terms with her since she had been ignoring all her attempts to talk to her and vent about her breakup

Her mom dropped her off like usual but this time she leaned over and gave jade a quick but tight hug "I love you ok?" She said smiling a small smile at her

"K, love you too mom" she muttered back before grabbing her bag and turning to leave for school

She took a deep breath and walked in then made a bee line for her locker

Out of the the corner of her eye she could see the big group of her "friends" (kinda friends) along with Chloe and of course Jason

She gritted her teeth and started throwing her things carelessly into her locker, hoping that no one in that circle would see her and try to talk to her because with out a doubt they knew what had happened over the break

She snuck a glance at Jason who looked absolutely fine. If someone were to see him out and about they would never guess he had just gone through a break up, in fact there he was grinning and laughing with everyone the same as always

Unfortunately for jade, right at that second Chloe walked over wearing that big smile that jade was sure was fake

Chloe's blonde hair had lightened up and her pale skin had tanned, jade could tell she definitely went on a vacation somewhere over the break

"Oh hey jade! How was your break?" Chloe asked holding out her arms to pull jade into the tightest hug

"It was fine, I got a laptop" jade said trying to pull away from her embrace

"Is that all that happened? I thought I heard Jason say he's single now" she said finally pulling away and giving jade a fake little sad face

"Oh yeah, kinda forgot about that cause it happened a while ago but yeah"

"Oh bummer! Too bad cause he's gotten even hotter hasn't he" She said turning back to look at the group and gave a little wave to Jason who had glanced up from looking at his phone

"Yeah I guess so, but look I should really be getting to class so I'll see you around sometime" she uttered before walking off hurriedly before Chloe could say anything else

Two more weeks went by of jade not really talking to anyone but that was fine with her, she didn't really want to talk to anyone and only did when they started a conversation first, which was usually Chloe bragging about her break or talking about her friends

The only two people that still talked to her other than Chloe were griffin and Kyle who had always been nice to jade and still made an effort to have kind conversations with her. They were apart of the "group" but it didn't feel like it to jade because of how nice they were. They didn't let their popularity ruin their personality like it did to some of the other kids

One day while jade was sitting on the floor in front of her locker scrolling though her laptop while waiting to be picked up Kyle walked over while ruffling his dirty blonde hair

"Hey jade" he smiled a bit

"Oh hey Kyle!" She said smiling up at him "sit, sit, I have the funniest thing to show you" she gestured patting the floor beside her

"Will you date me jade" he said so quickly he practically cut her off. He looked down at his worn shoes blushing and looking embarrassed at his Own question

"W-what?" She said giving him a confused look

She wasn't sure she had completely heard him right

"I-I asked if you would um Yknow.. date me? Like be my girlfriend?" He asked hopefully, still remaining standing and messing anxiously with his hair

"Why?" She said after staring at him for a while

Sure he was hot, popular, smart, funny and most importantly kind, but she had never thought of him to be someone she dated

"I-I dunno, I know you broke up with Jason and I've liked you since November and I was gonna ask you but then you guys started dating so I couldn't ask you. After you guys broke up I wanted to ask you right away but I just waited cause I figured you get another boyfriend cause you're Yknow really pretty and like the perfect girlfriend material, but you didn't so I knew it was a sign that we're meant to be together" he rambled still blushing at staring at his shoes "so will you date me?"

Jade was flattered, even Jason had never complimented and charmed her as much as Kyle just had

She didn't know what she was thinking whether it was a mix of sadness from losing Jason and longing for someone to love her but said yes

Do we still like this?

Idk man, this ones so long and kinda weird by now

It's also lost a lot of readers that I liked but whatever

Anyways thanks for reading vote and comment

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