Chapter 8

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the next Two months after Joshua Adam west was born the fighting was getting worse and worse everyday. David and Anna would fight about anything big or small, whether it was who would drive jade to school or who put away dishes. Anything that gave them a reason to fight they would fight about

Jade didn't like hearing them fight since their rooms were so close she could hear everything and poor joss couldn't do anything about it either so he had to stay in the same room as them since he slept there.

If they weren't in the same room as her and joss fighting  then she would grab him as gently as possible and bring him up to her room. Even if thy were right next door and could make out every word they still had each other and that was enough

One day on the day of her weekly vocal lessons she packed up her water and music and everything else she needed before pushing open her mother's door to tell her she was ready to leave

When she opened the door she found her mother gently humming to Joshua while getting him dressed for a quick nap but he wasn't cooperating very well

"Hey mom I'm ready to go"

"Oh uh hey honey listen I'm really sorry but I don't think I can take you right now cause joss is being really fussy and I think he might be catching a cold" Anna replied whipping around for a second before trying to get joss dressed again

"But we have to leave now" she whined stomping out of the room

She was so flustered about being late or skipping she instinctively went to ask the other person that could drive her in the house

"Dad can you drive me?" She pleaded after finding him in his study reading a sophisticated looking book. He was off tonight and got told to work from home since he had the newborn

"To where" he asked lowering his book a bit

"To vocal lessons and we need to leave now, come on"

"Pardon me? Where am I taking you?!"

Jade immediately slapped a hand over her mouth when she realized what she'd just said and her eyes widened in fear of what would happen next

David got up, threw his book on his chair where he was sitting and marched out the door to find Anna and demand an answer

"Anna!" He yelled bursting up the stairs into the kitchen to find her washing bottles and plates "Why is she telling me she needs to get to vocal lessons, what vocal lessons?!"

Anna spun around dropping the bottle in the sink to see her furious husband and a terrified jade with an apologetic look on her face a few feet behind him still on the stairs

"I-I dont know what youre talking about" she lied still terrified

"oh you know exactly what im talking about" he said stalking towards her with his finger pointed in her face "you've been lying to me for god knows how long"

jade was trying desperately to ignore her parents fighting because of her. upstairs she could hear joss starting to fuss and whine because of all the noise downstairs. she watched her parents to see if someone would go soothe him but they kept throwing insults at each other they didn't even notice he had woken up

she slipped around the corner to go to her parents room and see if she could quiet him down. her parents didn't even realize she had left

when she got to the master bedroom joss was wailing as loud as possible. she crept over to the crib and picked him up while trying to rock him while making her way to her room

he still wouldn't be quiet and he was a loud crier but she could still hear her parents over all the noise of joss

her father was accusing anna of lying to him about not only this but also about other things stating that he didn't trust her while anna was yelling that he wouldn't accept jade no matter what she did

she stopped listening after a while but quickly started to again when she heard words she never hoped to hear come out of her father mouth

"I want her out of dance and singing. I dont wat her to have anything to do with that place anymore. no more dancing and singing"

her worst nightmare was coming true

wow half of this just deleted and im not happy

anyways hoped you liked this thanks for reading

tell me your thoughts! ill probably update my other story later

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