30. I Love You

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"I hate this

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"I hate this." I frowned into the mirror.

Ava rolled her eyes at me grabbing at another skirt and throwing it at me.

"Stop I'll just wear shorts." I went to reach for a pair of jean shorts.

"No this is your first date with your man, you can not just wear what you always wear."

"We've been together for months you make it seem like this is going to be his first impression of me," I argued.

"Just try that one on, I think it'll look better than the one you have on." I just sighed and slipped off the skirt I had on and put on the one she passed me.

The new skirt was only mildly better than the one I was wearing before. I did not know if at this point I was being picky or if I really just did not like the clothes I had in my closet. I was not generally this obsessive with what I wore but this would be Kieran and I's first real date. I also had plans to tell him exactly how I really felt today. The three little words had been dancing on my tongue for weeks now begging to be let out. I wanted to tell him I loved him but I was not entirely sure how to say it. I just wanted the moment to be perfect.

"It is better but I don't think I like it." I twirled in the mirror.

"Fine, onto the next option I guess." Ava sighed going through my closet even more.

"We sure I cannot wear shorts?"

"Oh shush, here what about this?" She held up a black sundress with white flowers. I had not even thought about that dress once. I had bought it once on a shopping trip with Ava and never actually gotten around to wearing it.

"I'll try it on." I grabbed it from her and quickly got changed.

It was immediately better than anything else I had tried on prior. The only issue was it felt like too much. I had no idea what Kieran was planning but a dress seemed like I was overdoing it a bit.

"I think this is the one,"

"You don't think it's a bit much?" I asked playing with the hem of the skirt.

"Wear these to dress it down a bit." My best friend passed me a pair of black converse.

"Thank you for helping me with this." I smiled, I really could not do anything without my best friend's help. I was lucky to have Ava by my side.

"I would do anything for you and you know that." She walked over pulling me into a tight hug. 

I would die for this girl and I knew she would do the same for me.


"What is this?" I stared at Kieran puzzled.

"What? Never seen a bike before?" He chuckled.

"I guess I just did not expect to be seeing one right now on our date." I shrugged.

Out of all the possibilities of what we would be doing, going for a bike ride was not one I had thought of.

"Come on, it will be fun." He pushed the bike towards me.

"I don't think I am wearing the right attire," I sighed.

"You look perfect, it's a flat path we are riding and we can go slow. It's just a way to get to our final destination."

I stared at my boyfriend for a few extra seconds, I wanted to know what he had up his sleeve. While I appreciated the surprise a lot, I hated the fact I had no clue what the plans actually were. I was starting to grow impatient.

I hopped on the bike pushing the pedals forward and started to ride the bike in slow circles around the parking lot as Kieran got his own bike. I watched as he pulled a backpack out of the car and slung it onto his shoulders before hopping onto his own much taller bike.

"what's in the bag?" I questioned.

"Believe it or not, it's a surprise." He chuckled riding closer to me.

"You are annoying." I rolled my eyes and followed him onto the path.

It was a nice bike ride, it was a flat path just like Kieran said and it looped around the lake allowing us a beautiful view to look at as we rode. After one loop around the water, the trees opened up to an open field of grass. Kieran stopped his bike and got off lowering the bike into the grass. I just stopped and watched as he opened his bag and pulled out a large blanket and spread it out on the ground.

"A picnic?" I asked, hopping off my own bike and joining my boyfriend.

"I brought some snacks and drinks. I figured we could relax here for a while. I know this isn't some crazy fancy date or anything but I figured something more casual and relaxed was more us." He pulled out some crackers and a container of cheese.

"Cheese and crackers? You know that's my favorite. This is perfect Kieran, I wouldn't have asked for anything else." I beamed leaning over to press my lips against his.

"What can I say? I know you very well." He said once I pulled away from the kiss. "I also brought some iced teas." He pulled out two bottles filled with what I was guessing was his mom's iced tea, she always seemed to have a pitcher filled in the fridge.

"I love your mom's iced tea." I grabbed one of the bottles opening it up and taking a large sip.

"I know you do." He laughed at my eagerness.

"Thank you for doing all this, I never had anyone do this much for me. I don't know what I did to deserve a guy like you." I stared at him trying to find a way to tell him that I loved him.

"You deserve so much more than this, you deserve the world Jade and I would give you everything imaginable if I could." He tilted my chin up and pressed his lips softly against mine.

"I love you." I said breathlessly against his lips.

He pulled away from me fully and stared into my eyes.

"Say it again." He said softly.

"I love you Kieran." I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face, it felt like a weight was lifted as I finally said the words out loud.

"God I could listen to you say that forever." He smashed his lips against mine again pulling me closer to him by the back of my neck. He had not said it back yet but I could tell by the way he kissed me just then that my feelings were not onesided.

"I love you so much," He grinned widely when he pulled away from our heated kiss.

I did not know how I got this lucky but I had found the person I loved and wanted to be with forever and somehow he felt the same way.

Kieran was nothing but trouble but I loved the guy and a little trouble never stopped me.


And that's the end. Roll the credits.....

Good news is there will be a sequel and I've been working on the sequel since before I even finished this story. The sequel follows Ava and her journey to love. It's going to be called Nothing but Heartbreak and I'm super excited about it. The story is up now and the first chapter will be posted soon!!!

I just want to thank everyone for reading this story and supporting my works. All the love I've gotten because of my works has been really amazing for me. I appreciate all of you so thank you for taking the time to read what I write.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this story and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!!

-Cora Leigh

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