19. No kissing

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I was laying in Kieran's bed after dinner when my phone rang

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I was laying in Kieran's bed after dinner when my phone rang. I practically jumped onto my phone and saw my best friends name on my screen.

"Hello?" I answered.

I hoped that she tracked down Harlan and he was ok.

"I'm just leaving Jaxons, you brother is there and he's staying the night." She informed me.

"Did he seem angry?" I asked.

"Well he just found out that his sister was sneaking behind his back with the guy that slept with his ex girlfriend. I wouldn't say he was happy."

"You think he'll ever talk to me again?"

"He just needs time, you're his sister he'd do anything for you."

And I'd do anything for him, part of me was ready to give up my own happiness just for him. But when I turned to look at Kieran it felt wrong to even think about that. I loved Kieran but at the same time Harlan was one of the most important people in my life.

I felt like I was stuck between two people and either way I was going to lose.

"What do you think I should do?" I knew if anyone knew what to do it would be Ava.

"Just give him some space and don't rub your relationship in his face. He just needs to see Kieran isn't going to hurt you and that you're happy. He wants to protect you from harm and he thinks he already failed once, it's hard for him to think he's going to fail again."

I hadn't thought about it like that. I knew how much Harlan beat himself up over what happened with Elliot. He blamed himself for bringing Elliot into my life and he's always tried to protect me from harm. If Kieran were to ever hurt me Harlan would blame himself again. He doesn't want Kieran to use me as a way to get at him. Kieran wouldn't do that but my brother wasn't as sure of that fact as I was.

"I just don't want him to be mad at me." I sighed.

"He's not, trust me he could never be mad at you."

"Thank you Ava for checking in on him for me, you didn't have to do that." I said.

Ava was the best friend I could've ever asked for. She was my platonic soulmate and I loved her like a sister.

"I'm going to be passing over your way did you need me to pick you up or is Kieran giving you a ride?" She questioned.

"Don't worry about me I'll have Kieran drive me home." I said.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school," and then with a final goodbye she hung up.

I felt optimistic about how things would work out. With time things would be ok.

I rolled over I curled up into Kieran's body. He easily wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tighter into his chest.

"Is everything ok?" He asked looking down at me.

"Hopefully." I nodded.

I really did have hope for things to work out. I just had to find a way to be able to prove to my brother that what I had with Kieran was real and that he wasn't going to hurt me.

"Are you nervous for school tomorrow?" He questioned.

I gave him a confused look. I didn't think I had any reason to be particularly nervous. I mean no more than I usually was.

"You're not scared your brother will try to kill me or nervous about seeing Elliot?"

"If anything you should be scared of my brother and of course I'm nervous about Elliot being around but there is nothing I can do about it."

The thought of him being so close to me made my whole body go on edge. I knew it was just a matter of time before he tried to hurt me or someone else. I hoped more than anything it was me instead of some other girl. I didn't want anyone else to go through what I did.

"I'm not scared of your brother and I'll kill Elliot before he give gets within a foot of you." Kieran kissed my forehead holding me safely in his arms.

I felt a whole new wave of nerves wash over me. If word spread to Elliot that I was with Kieran I didn't know what would happen. The thought that Elliot could try to hurt Kieran made me want to cry. He had already hurt my brother I didn't want him to hurt Kieran too. And there was the fact I knew he went easy on Harlan, he could've hurt my twin a lot more than he did. I knew what Elliot was capable of.

"Do we have to keep hiding this? I mean your brother knows now and I want to be able to talk to you even when other people are around." Kieran asked.

I wanted that too, I wanted to be able to tell all the girls to back off. I wanted to be able to walk to halls holding his hand. I wanted more than just one nod every morning.

I wanted so much but I felt like I couldn't have it.

"We can talk to each other but no rubbing it in my brothers face. At least not until he warms up to us. I want to try and get on his good side not make him more mad." I explained.

It wasn't the whole truth but if I said I was worried about Elliot I knew Kieran would just  assure me that he could handle it. But I wanted to protect the guy I loved. I'd do anything to keep him out of harm.

"Ok so no kissing or anything?" He leaned down and captured my lips with his own.

I loved his kisses but I knew it was best if we refrained for that while my brother could see or hear about it.

"We'll work up to that." I snuggled into him.

Everything would work out.


So I'm trying to get back to my original upload schedule but if I might have some trouble with just how busy I have been. I'm just going to try my best and hopefully I'll be able to keep posting.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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