8. A freaking leech

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"But the party is over, there really isn't a reason she can't come to my house anymore

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"But the party is over, there really isn't a reason she can't come to my house anymore." Ava crossed her arms and stared down my brother.

"She snuck out to go to the party in the first place. I'd rather have her home where I can keep an eye on her."

"I don't need to be looked after." I frowned.

My best friend and my brother just ignored me as they continued to argue. I just decided to tune them out and wait until they came up with a decision. And that didn't take too long because soon my brother was storming off back towards Jaxon's car.

"I feel bad, maybe I should let him win at least once." Ava chuckled.

"Just get in the car you weirdo." I ushered her back towards my car.

"So are you going to talk to Kieran?" She questioned.

I had already figured out what I was going to do. I was going to drive Ava home and then make my way back towards Kierans house. I figured by then most people would've left and I could finally talk to him.

"Yeah after I drop you off." I nodded.

"Give him hell and then tell me all about it." She beamed.

I knew Kieran was my weakness. Giving him hell was easier said than done. Once I saw him it was a lot harder to be mad. I just wanted everything to be right with us and I hoped that I'd be able to stand my ground but also work on fixing us.

It didn't take long to drop Ava off and turn back towards where we just were. When I rounded Kierans street again it was quieter and the multitude of cars that had crowded the area were now gone. The party was over and I had never been more happy. This meant I'd be able to have some time with Kieran, finally.

I parked at the end of his driveway and made my way up to the front door. The door was open ajar and it made it easy for me to slip inside. The sound of voices carried through the house and I figured I'd escape up to Kierans room and wait until the last person left.

I paused on the stairs when Kierans voice echoed through the house and he sounded angry.

"Why don't you ever just listen to a single word I say?" He asked.

"What has gotten into you man?" The voice of his best friend Nate followed.

"I told you to leave and yet here you are still in my house." Kieran snapped.

"Why are you being like this. First you didn't want this party and then you punch Timothy out of nowhere and kick everyone out. That isn't like you."

"Maybe that's because I didn't even want to have this party in the first place! I told you that but instead of listening you went out and invited the whole damn school to my house!" Kieran yelled.

"I don't get the big deal. You always throw a party when your parents are out of town."

"Get the fuck out."

I hurried up the stairs when I heard the sounds of Nates footsteps coming towards me. The last thing I needed was for him to see me listening in on their conversation. I hid on the top of the steps until I heard the front door close. Once he left I crept my way back down the stairs and towards where I heard their voices coming from.

It didn't take long to find Kieran he was hunched over the kitchen counter his head in his hands.

"Kieran." I said softly.

His head whipped up to look at me.

"Jade." He walked towards me and in seconds I was pulled into his arms.

I didn't try to fight it, I wanted to be here with him more than anything.

"Can we talk?" I pulled away from him slightly.

He just nodded.

"You hurt me Kieran, maybe I'm being a bitch and blowing it all out of proportion but I thought you wanted the same things as me. I thought we both wanted to have a nice night together and then this party happened. The worst part is that you didn't come to me and tell me, I had to hear about it from my brother."

"I'm so sorry, I should've told you that Nate had thrown this party and had already invited the whole school. I just freaked out and I thought that maybe I could fix it but I couldn't. People were already planning on coming and the word spread too fast for me to shut it down. I should've told you the second I found out about it but I didn't want to make you upset. I wanted that night with you more than anything, you mean the world to me Jade." He cupped my cheek and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

I had to believe that Kieran wouldn't hurt me like that. I had to put my trust in him, he deserved that much.

I just nodded not being able to speak. The next actions almost surprised me as I reached forward and pulled Kieran against me. I was clinging to him like my life depended on it. I wanted the feeling of his hands on me to erase the feeling of Timothy's hands that felt like ghosts against my body. With Kieran I felt safe and that's exactly what I needed right now.

"No more parties ever, I don't think I'll be able to survive having to watch someone else touch what's mine." He grumbled.

"Oh you think I liked watching Barbie rub all up on you all night?" I shot back.

"She was like a freaking leech, I couldn't get her to leave me the hell alone."

"Maybe I should've punched her." I considered.

"I wish you did." I didn't have to see his face to know he was smiling like an idiot.

I didn't say anything but not because I didn't want to but because Kieran had already took it upon himself to lean down and press his lips against mine.

I could kiss Kieran all day and not get tired of the feeling of his lips against my own. Even when the kiss turned into something desperate and heated I just let myself relish in the moment. I wanted Kieran more than I ever had before. Our time away did nothing to dim my feelings. It felt like Kieran had worked himself into every cell in my body and my heart beat just for him.

This type of love was dangerous but I was willing to risk it. You can't fall in love without the risk of heartbreak.

And I'd risk it all for Kieran.


Today has been hell, I am a big procrastinator and I have two essays due this week and one I haven't started and one I just started today. I'm trying to finish one today and then one tomorrow but it's not fun. I'm literally counting down the days until I graduate and I never have to do school ever again. Less than a year to go ✌🏻✌🏻

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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