7. Party's over

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I now stood alone in the living room, Ava had ran into a guy from one of her classes and I told her to go have some fun

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I now stood alone in the living room, Ava had ran into a guy from one of her classes and I told her to go have some fun. I mean at least one of us should be able to enjoy ourselves. I was way too busy glaring at the many girls that seemed to think they could go and chat up my man.

It's not like anyone knew he was my man, or at least used to be my man. I wanted to talk to him to try and move past this. I wanted nothing more than to fix everything. As I stood there I couldn't deny it, every inch of me missed Kieran. He had hurt me but I didn't think he did it on purpose.

"Hey Jade."

I turned to see Timothy Duncan standing next to me smiling down at me. I wanted to laugh, it seemed very poetic that here he was. Every bone in my body wanted to regret the hookup between me and Timothy but I didn't know if I went back and changed that if me and Kieran would've ever gotten together. Sometimes you need to make mistakes to finally do things right. Timothy was my biggest mistake.

"Hey Tim." I forced a smile.

"You want a drink or something?" He gestured to the kitchen.

"No I'm driving." I shook my head.

He nodded. It felt awkward to be talking to him right now. We hadn't really ever talked, besides that one night and there wasn't all that many words spoken.

"Well you look really good."


I turned my head towards where Kieran was standing and found that he was already staring at me. The same blonde was still standing next to him and I could help but feel a quick flash of anger. I didn't even let myself think anything through but when I heard the song change and a familiar beat played through the speakers I was turning back towards Timothy.

"I love this song." I swayed slightly to the beat.

"You want to dance?" He held his hand out.

With one look back towards Kieran I was taking Timothys hand and let him lead me to where other couples were grinding against each other on the makeshift dance floor.

I let myself sway more to the music and soon I was full on dancing. I did my best to ignore Tims hands on my hips, to ignore his body pressed against my back. I didn't want to think about him, I just wanted to dance.

After about a minute Tim was getting hard to ignore. His grip was tight on my sides and he grinded into my ass. I started to feel uncomfortable and tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp and get away from him. His grip only tightened even more. I felt a sense of panic wash over me, what if I was stuck with his hands and body against my skin? The thought made me dizzy.

I turned to see Kieran glaring at Tim with the look that could probably kill. I sent him a pleading look, one I just hoped he'd understand. The second we locked eyes he was pushing himself off the wall he was leaning against and making his way towards me with a sense of purpose. I felt nothing but relief because I knew Kieran would save me. I just watched as he got closer and closer but before he could reach me I felt a firm hand on my arm which pulled me away from Timothy roughly.

"What the fuck?" My brothers angry voice echoed through the room.

All I knew was that I was screwed. I quickly turned back to see that Kieran was right there and he wasn't stopping until he reached me. This was definitely not good.

The second Kieran got to where I was standing all hell broke loose. Kieran wasn't one to throw the first punch. I'd seen it in many of the fights he got into with my brother. He'd egg my brother on but he'd always wait until Harlan threw the first punch before laying a finger on my brother. But tonight Kieran didn't hesitate to throw the first punch but this time his fist didn't collide with my brothers face but with Timothys.

Tim stumbles back and held his face where Kierans fist just slammed into it.

"What the hell man?" Timothy groaned.

"Get the fuck out of my house!"

Everyone was silent. Kierans loud voice seemed to echo throughout the whole room. The tone in his voice was enough to have everyone stepping away from him. He sounded like he was on the verge of killing someone and from the look on his face I'd say that was pretty accurately

Timothy didn't need to be told twice and he rushed off towards the door as fast as he could. I didn't blame him though. If I was on the receiving end of kierans wrath I'd probably end up running off in fear as well.

"You know what, party's over everyone leave." Kieran didn't wait around to see if anyone listened he just stormed out of the room.

I wanted to go after him but my brother still had hold of my arm.

"Let's go Jade," He pulled me towards the door and I let him.

I needed to find a way to get back here. I wanted to talk to Kieran, I needed to talk to him. I hated not being on good terms with him.

"I need to find Ava." I told him yanking my arm from his grasp.

"I'll call her." He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed up my best friends number.

I felt defeated. I needed a new plan. One that didn't have anything to do with revenge or pettiness. Just one that got me back here after my brother tried to lock me up in my house forever. It wouldn't be an easy task, my brother was on overprotective guy.

But if anyone could do it, my best friend could.


Happy Halloween! I feels weird for it to already be the end of October and tomorrow is November. Time really goes by fast. Usually I'd be planning to go out tonight since that's what you do in college but with the pandemic plans change and I'll be in my dorm watching spooky movies.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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