18. Sorry about your face

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I thanked Ava before I hopped out of her car and walked up to Kieran's house

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I thanked Ava before I hopped out of her car and walked up to Kieran's house. The nerves I felt that I knew his parents were here hit me the second I knocked on the door.

What if he didn't want me here? What if he told me to leave because he didn't want his mom to know about me?

Kieran always said he didn't care about keeping us a secret but did it for me. But he also never mentioned bringing me around his house to meet his parents.

The door opened and a middle aged women stood there with a slight frown on her face.

"Oh hello." Her face changed into a surprised look.

"Hi is Kieran here?" I asked nervously.

She eyed me suspiciously before nodding and opening the door to let me in.

"Kieran there is someone here for you." His mom called out.

I watched as my boyfriends face appeared from the kitchen an ice pack blocking most of it.

"Oh my god, does it hurt?" I gasped at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked walking over to me.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok." I rested my hand against the side of his face.

Just seeing him made me feel better. I knew no matter what happened with my brother I had Kieran. My brother and I would work things out eventually. He was angry but he'd see that Kieran was good to me and cared for me.

"I'm fine." He sighed and pulled me into him with a one arm hug.

I just wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. I hadn't even really thought about his mother until she spoke again.

"Let's all go into the kitchen I'm making dinner." She said ushering us apart.

"Oh you're staying?" Kieran looked at me with surprise.

"Of course she's staying, are you trying to hide her from me?" His mom said before I could even open my mouth.

"Why would I hide her from you?" Kieran said following his mom into the kitchen.

"That's the big question isn't it." His mother gave him a look before turning to see me still rooted in my spot. "Come on darling don't just stand there."

I hurried forward to follow them. I couldn't help but be nervous. I knew I was going to have to meet his parents but meeting his mom right this second seemed scary. What if she didn't like me?

Once we were all in the kitchen Kieran wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me into his side.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Jade." He introduced.

"Girlfriend? Why is this the first I'm hearing of this? Do you not feel comfortable talking to your mother anymore?" She pestered.

"We've only been together for like two months mom. And besides we didn't really tell anyone, her brother kinda hates me."

I looked back at his face and now without the ice pack I could really see the damage. I cringed slightly, it definitely had to hurt.

"What don't like my face now that your brother fucked it up?" Kieran teased.

"You know I love your face, bruised and all but it just looks like it hurts." I frowned.

"It was worth it." He squeezed my hip lightly.

"You two seem like you got yourselves into quite the mess. It'll work it's self out. You know my mother didn't like my husband when she met him, I mean I think she still doesn't really like him and look how that turned out." Kieran's mom smiled.

"She still doesn't like him? Well I'm hoping that my brother and Kieran can put aside this feud and get along." I said truthfully.

"My husband and my mother have conflicting personalities. They were never meant to get along and I've come to terms with that. Sometimes people just don't get along."

"I just want everyone to be happy." I sighed.

"Are you happy?" Kieran's mom asked.

"As long as I have Kieran I'm happy." I smiled up at him.

"Then everything will work out. Sometimes you just have to put your happiness first."

"How much longer until dinner?" Kieran asked.

"About twenty minutes." His mom said after checking the stove.

"We will be upstairs," Kieran started to guide me out of the kitchen.

"Have fun you two." She just smiled as I stumbled after Kieran.

I wanted some alone time with Kieran. I just felt bad for ditching out on his mom. I wanted her to like me and I hoped I made a good first impression.

"Do you think she likes me?" I asked once we were in Kieran's room.

"If she didn't like you she wouldn't let you stay for dinner." Kieran said sitting on his bed and pulling me towards him.

"Is your dad going to be here for dinner?" I asked.

"Yep." Kieran nodded.

"Oh god." I covered my face with my hands.

"It's fine babe, my dad will like you."

I peaked out from my hands and just looked at him. His face was definitely going to be bruised. Apparently my brother could throw a good punch.

"I'm sorry about your face." I touched his face lightly.

"I'm sorry for making things difficult with your brother." He cupped my own face.

"He'll come around." I said it more to convince myself than to assure Kieran.

"I just want you to be happy and I don't want to be want comes in between you and your brother. I know he's important to you."

I couldn't appreciate that enough. I knew that Kieran wasn't Harlan's biggest fan but hearing him want things to work out for me and valuing Harlan's role in my life made my heart swell. I wanted nothing more than to tell him exactly how I feel but I was scared of saying those three words and the fact that it could change things.

"You're so amazing, thank you." I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

If I wasn't ready to say the words I hoped that my kiss communicated exactly how I was feeling. I wanted him to know but the words scared me to say out loud.


So my schedule basically went out the window. I've been really busy with school and have just been feeling kinda down lately. But I'm seeing my mom today with lifted my spirits a bit and I figured I would post a chapter this morning.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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