5. Your little shrimp

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I told her everything

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I told her everything. From how he walked in on me at Rickys party to when he offered to take me home when I couldn't find my brother. Our first real interaction which led to many more which then led to now.

"So you guys made plans to spend the night at his house and then literally not even twenty four hours later he is inviting the whole school to a party on that same night?"

"Apparently it wasn't him who invited everyone and it was Nate who threw all this together." I corrected her.

"Oh that's a bunch of bullshit. It's his house he has the last say. If he really wanted to have you over he would've made it happen no matter what."

I nodded. While I did agree with her but still part of me wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he did try but his friends hadn't listened. What if everyone got invited before he could even try to stop it.

"You know what we should do?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"We should go to that party. Make you look all cute and show him what he's missing. If he wants to spend time with his fan girls instead of you then you can show up looking hot and get your own damn fan club. See how he feels when you got guys flocking to you right in his face."

The plan seemed ridiculous. I didn't know if I really wanted to try and get revenge on him like this. But maybe going to the party was a good idea. I could show him what he is missing without having to grind up on any guys. Just seeing me there knowing he can't have me the way he wants would be enough for him to regret ever putting that party together.

"Yes to the party, no to the fan club." I told her.

"Perfect this is going to be awesome!" Ava bounced up and down next to me.

"What about my brother?" I questioned.

He'd never let me leave the house on Saturday. How was I supposed to get around my own personal bodyguard?

"Oh please, I have that man wrapped around my finger. I already convinced him to let you sleepover on Saturday."

My best friend could seriously scare me sometimes. She just had a power over people and it was hard to say no to her. My brother was especially powerless to her. She was the one girl that always seemed to be out of his reach. While Ava always flirted with Harlan and made jokes about getting with him she never actually went there. She made him work for it and damn did he try but she ultimately shot him down every time.

Unfortunately for me that never stopped the two of them from continuing whatever game they'd been playing all these years.

"You know you could've told me about Kieran sooner. You can trust me with anything Jade." Ava said softly.

I knew I should've told her when it first happened. I almost did multiple times but then I let myself worry. I thought about what would happen if she had let it slip by accident or something. I talked myself in a circle about it over and over and then I had decided it was better if no one else knew.

"I know and I do trust you. No more secrets ok?" I reached out and squeezed her hand.

"We should go shopping tomorrow to find you a new outfit for the party." She grinned.

"I have clothes I don't need any new ones."

I hated shopping, especially shopping with Ava. She always grabbed so many options and insisted on forming whole outfits to try on. It look forever for her to just leave a store and half of the time she didn't buy a single thing she tried on. On a lucky day she'd walk out with a max of two to three items.

"Come on it will be fun."

I almost caved and I probably would have if it wasn't for the distraction of my phone going off.

I looked down to see the one person I didn't want to talk to calling me. I sighed and went to decline the call when Ava snatched my phone away.

"Hello dick face." She answered.

I couldn't hear what he was saying and part of me wanted to tell her to put it on speaker but I didn't.

"Well why exactly would I do that?"

The longer the conversation went on the more I wanted to know what he was saying.

"Well if she wanted to talk to you she would've been the one to answer the phone."

"Put it on speaker." I said quietly.

Ava just waved me off. I sighed with frustration as I had to just sit there and let their conversation continue.

"Well you can take that I'm sorry and shove it up your ass."

I reached for the phone wanting to just hang up before she said anything else but Ava moved away from me.

"You can suck on my massive dick."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hell yeah, it's probably bigger than your little shrimp."

I reached to grab the phone yet again but she moved even further away from me.

"I mean I could but I definitely will not."

I laid back on the bed deciding that it was hopeless. I'd just have to wait until Ava decided she was done with the call and hang up on her own.

"Go to hell Kieran." And the finally she hung up.

"You really couldn't have just let it go or at least put it on speaker so that I knew what he was saying?" I asked her.

"He wasn't saying anything worth hearing." She shrugged.

I felt the need to pick the phone up and call him back. To hear his voice and just talk about the most random things. I wanted to fall asleep on the phone with him like I did most nights but tonight I'd be alone. I'd be laying in bed listening to nothing as I waited for sleep to arrive.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh

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