25. Hit by a truck

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It was weird now to have a quiet day

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It was weird now to have a quiet day. One without Kieran around or Elliot trying to corner me somewhere. It was one that was going to be just Ava and I, like it used to be before all of this happened. But Ava was still being weird and I barely saw her all day. She had skipped lunch and instead of hanging out after school like I had hoped she had raced out of school the second the bell rang and I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I definitely needed to talk to her at some point, there was something going on and I needed to figure out what.

Normally I wouldn't mind Ava ditching me but my brother had basketball practice which meant that I didn't have a ride home until later. I had let my brother have the keys since I didn't think I'd need the car but now it was looking like I was going to have to wait for him.

I turned myself back around to go towards the gym. This would be a long afternoon.

Right before I could get to the gym I felt someone grab onto my backpack pulling me back roughly so that I fell onto the hard tile floors. When I looked up I was not surprised to see Elliot staring down at me.

He didn't say anything he just reached back down grabbed my arm and yanked me down the hall back towards the exit to the school. I wanted to scream, to do something but I was in shock. I just let myself freeze like I always did for a second.

I needed to do something. I could tell by the look in Elliots eyes that he wasn't going to be nice this time. He wasn't going to walk away from me just leaving behind some threats for next time. This was the next time and I knew something bad was going to happen. Finally it felt like the panic melted away and determination took over. I wasn't just going to lay here and let this happened.

"Get off me!" I yelled and tried to yank my arm out of his grip.

It was a lot harder to get any leverage on him as I was literally being dragged behind him.

"Someone help!" I called out hoping that maybe I'd be heard.

Elliot stopped abruptly.

"Shut up." His face scared me, I had never seen him this angry before.

He kicked with all his strength and his foot slammed into my stomach. I rolled slightly over cowering in pain. The fight that I was trying to hold onto slipped out of me. I wasn't going to be able to overpower him, I was stuck here in pain and no one was going to be able to help me.

I was all alone.

Elliot didn't wait another second before dragging me again finally pulling me outside. The little exposed skin I had scraped against the concrete sending more pain through my body. All I could do was cry, my body didn't want to keep going if this pain was what happened when we tried to fight.

I barely paid attention to where I was being taken but soon I was yanked up onto my feet.

"Look at me Jade."

I lifted my head to see Elliot standing right in front of me. His face was bruised from when Kieran had beat him up. Maybe if I punched him, maybe with the bruising it would hurt enough that I could get away.

I tried to lift one of my arms but his hands had them both in a tight grip. How was I supposed to get away?

"Do you see what he did to me? What you did to me? I told you what would happen, I warned you. I didn't want to have to hurt you Jade, I really tried to be nice. I did everything for you and this is how you repay me?" He shouted.

I turned my head to try to figure out where we were. It didn't take long to find out we were behind the school. It was a quiet alley where the trash cans were stored. No one ever came over this way besides the janitors at night.

"I said look at me!" He yelled slamming me against the brick wall behind me.

My head bounced off the brick causing my vision to blur for a second. Pain rushed through my whole body.

"Please, stop." I cried softly.

I wanted to collapse. I just wanted someone to get me away from here so I could lay down in my bed and not be in pain anymore.

"This is what happens when you don't listen to me, all I want is you and you keep denying me. What does Kieran have that I don't?"

I doubted he wanted to actually hear my answer so I stayed quiet trying not to further anger him. He pulled me off the wall and I thought for a second maybe it was over. Instead of letting me walk away he threw me to the ground. My body easily collapsed onto the ground. I tried to pull myself forward, to crawl away from him. But my arms were tired and my whole body was in pain.

I felt Elliot's foot collide into my side again. I didn't know I could be in more pain. But yet here I was as the pain continued to take over. Another kick. I just rolled over staring up at the sky wishing that it would be over soon.

Elliot towered over me, leaning over to look at my face.

"This won't have to ever happen again if you just listen to me next time."

I didn't say anything just tried to focus on the sky. I wanted to block it all out.

"Answer me!" He yelled as he grabbed my throat and pulled me slightly off the ground.

It all happened so fast. Someone pulled Elliot off me, my body hitting the ground yet again. Then there was Stephanie crouched next to me trying to help me up.

My body was exhausted but I did my best to help her get me to my feet. She just steered me away from the scene and I didn't bother to look back even as I heard slight grunts from a fight.

Someone had pulled Elliot off me, someone was fighting against him for me. But I wasn't going to turn around to see who it was. Maybe I'd ask Stephanie after I didn't feel like I had been hit by a truck.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I am going to be updating this story more frequently since I have been writing more. If you did enjoy this chapter don't forget to comment and vote!!

-Cora Leigh 

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