REMNANT: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer meets Batman and the Red Rider - Chapter 12.

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The mood in the library remained dour as everyone tried to focus on finding a solution, if any existed. They had days – perhaps even hours – before the random outbreaks of mass panic brought the monstrous demon Kalderon back to life, right in the center of their library, to bring all of Hell's demons with him. And no one knew how to stop it.

Giles cleared his throat. "I'll, uh ... I'll pore over some information with Batman from my notes. What little I've uncovered about Kalderon over the years," he said. "But first, Willow, I wonder if you could help me track some information on the net? I want to confirm whether certain patterns exist."

"Sure," Willow said, giving a firm nod and moving to the computer.

Giles turned to address the others. "The rest of you, just ... wait here until we can learn anything more."

Xander stepped forward, shoving his hands into his back pockets, as Giles stood behind Willow at the computer. "Excuse me. Mr. Batman? Could I ask you something?"

Batman turned to step aside with him. "What is it?"

Xander cast a nervous glance over his shoulder at Cordelia. "Just wondering ... after we get this whole stop-Kalderon-from-destroying-all-of-humanity thing figured out – you think maybe you could introduce me to Wonder Woman?"

Batman lowered his chin. "Won't that cause a problem with your stunning girlfriend, who happens to be your age?"

 "Won't that cause a problem with your stunning girlfriend, who happens to be your age?"

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Xander backpedaled. "Well, I mean – don't get me wrong. Cordy's great. And we're together. Very much so. But she's no Wonder Woman. I suppose she could be, with the right connections, but ..." He swallowed, waving away the suggestion. "Okay, so Wonder Woman's out. What about that other Justice League lady, the blonde with the leather jacket and the blue fishnets?"

Batman grimaced. "You're really trying my patience, son."

"Understood. Good talk." Xander smiled, pointing both fingers at Batman as he backed away to join Cordelia at the table.

Batman shook his head. "Giles, you said you had some notes to review."

Giles looked up from the computer. "Uh, yes, in my office, if you're ready."

"Completely," Batman said, walking toward the open door behind the receiving desk.

Buffy crept up beside Willow to join her by the computer. "What'cha working on?"

"I'm checking for any other reports of recent panic, at Hooligan's or anywhere else nearby. Giles wants to track any kind of movement, for some reason." She cupped her hand over her mouth to whisper to Buffy, smiling. "Don't tell Oz I'm still thinking anything, but – Holy Geez, Batman's kinda beefy."

"Yeah, I know," Buffy said with a dreamy smile. "I can't stop watching him. Except when he sees I'm watching him, when I immediately am inclined to stop watching. He's so dark and mysterious, with that whole brooding thing going on. He reminds me of –." She frowned, looking aside.

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