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Since it was now lunch time, I decided to make everyone lunch. Just before I started, there was a knock at the door. Margarita opened it and General Washington and his son strode in. I smiled and stopped my food preparation to hug John Parke. (We will call him Parke to separate him from John Laurens and John Schuyler)

"Parke, how good to see you!" I said. "And you, Y/N." He said with a smile. He faced C/N, who seemed undecided about how he felt about Parke. C/N walked over and extended a hand. "C/F/N C/L/N, pleasure to meet you. I'm
Y/N's beau." He said a bit protectively. Parke's eyes widened just a small bit. "John Parke Custis." He said. "Y/N's newest friend."

The tension between them was very awkward. "Well, glad you met. C/N, help me make lunch." I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. Once there, I faced him. "I know you dislike Parke but try to be nice!" I half-begged.

He sighed and nodded. "I know I know, I promise." He said. I kissed him quickly before going to lunch. I decided to give everyone corn and bread. I grabbed the loaf of bread, handing the corn to C/N. "Get the kernels off and into some oil." I ordered as I grabbed a knife for the bread.

We started prepping and I cut everyone a slice of bread. Once C/N got off most of the kernels, which he found very difficult and said some very offensive curse words to the corn, I put some spices on the corn. C/N watch confused as I got all the kernels covered in oil and spices. "Get bowls." I said. He rushed to our cupboards and brought out 15 bowls, lining the up beside me. I poured corn in all of them, C/N following with a slice of bread. Once finished, I shouted, "Lunch!"

They all rushed over, the adults taking their time, and lined up. C/N and I handed everyone a bowl, getting many 'thanks' and 'this looks delicious' from everyone. C/N and I grabbed our own bowls before sitting. The maids pulled up four extra chairs for our guests.

I saw C/N look skeptically at his spiced corn. Everyone else was wolfing it down. I made this normally for my family, who were enjoying it most. I put my fork into his own corn and took a bite. He gasped quietly and scooted his bowl away. "If this dating is going to work," he whispered under his breath. "You do not eat my food."

I put a hand over my mouth and stifled a laugh. "Then eat it you bloody skeptic." I whispered back. He frowned and dug his fork into the corn, taking a bite. His C/E/C eyes lit up as he took another bite.

I chuckled and ate my own food. I looked up to catch Alexander staring at me. He winked at me. The audacity. I shot him a sharp glare before going back to my food.

"This is amazing Y/N and C/N!" General Washington said happily as he finished. "This was all Y/N's doing!" C/N complimented. I blushed a bit and shrugged. "I got the recipe from Grandmother 'Nelia." I explained sheepishly. She was our father's mother and who Cornelia was named after.

"You'll have to write it down so I can tell it to Martha!" He said. I laughed a bit and nodded. Martha was the General's wife.

Once everyone finished, I stood and had Rensselaer help collect the dishes. He groaned but helped when father prodded him. We went into the kitchen and stacked them inside the sink. Before we went back, Rensselaer grabbed my arm. "Yes, Ren?"

He smiled pridefully at me and hugged me quickly. "I am so glad you chose C/N instead of any other man. He's more fun." He joked. I assume what he meant was Congratulations! C/N is just so great!

I laughed and ruffled his hair before going back to the small crowd to stand beside C/N. I heard him laugh and follow me. "Well, we should get going." General Washington said whilst nudging Parke. The young man got the hint and started saying his goodbyes. When he reached C/N and I, the men shook hands. I rolled my eyes and hugged Parke. "I'll write." I promised. He let go and smiled, walking back to his father.

I did a slight curtesy for the General, who surprisingly gave me a hug. I embraced him briefly, his grip with sturdy and comforting, before letting go. "I'll see you around, Colonel." He said. Father saluted him before walking them out. C/N faced me.

"I'll get going to." He said. He kissed me quickly before saying goodbye to the rest of my family. "I'll go too." Alexander said. He kissed Elizabeth before saying farewell to us all. When he reached Angelica, he kissed her cheek and whispered something I couldn't hear. He kissed Margarita's cheek before walking to me. He leaned forward and brought his lips to my cheek, whispering "Till we meet again."

I gave him a small, forced smile. He followed C/N out the door and father shut it, walking back to us. "How long will you be home?" I blurted. Father and mother's smiles faltered. "Just the day. I leave again tomorrow morning. I won't be back until the wedding."

Two weeks! Oh dear me! I just nodded. "I'll be in my room." I said, rushing upstairs. I went in my room and went to shut the doors when a foot wedged in it. I turned to find John walking in. He shut the door behind him and hugged me as he asked,

"Are you alright?"



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