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"Land!!" I shouted from the crow's nest, leaning forward. There! In the distance! A small stretch of land! I wasn't aware of the name quite yet, but it was a city!

I hear and some rustling and started to climb down. "Get everything ready! We need to restock after tossing everything overboard!" Jacob ordered. My feet hit the ground and I ran for the barracks. I needed to change to a dress and fast.

The reason I was changing? I learned that people are more willing to give directions to women than they are to men. I slammed the barrack door and grabbed the fanciest dress I brought, which wasn't very fancy, and changed into it.

After braiding my hair, I started stuffing the things in my bag. I stuffed the shirts and stuff in, reaching into my bed. I went to grab my letters, but they weren't there. Right, Jacob.

I closed my bag and latched it shut before slinging it over my shoulder. I walked to the door and exited the barracks. "Jacob, my letters?" I asked. He pointed to his office from the stern. "Top left drawer!" I thanked him and went inside.

Not a single thing of Jacob's office changed since he called me in a few days back. I walked to his desk and pulled open my drawer.

Right on the top, my letters lay. I grabbed them and stuffed them inside my bag neatly. I shut the drawer and left the office. I looked towards the city and gasped.

The city was buzzing with excitement I hadn't seen before. It was mostly run my redcoats, so I had to be careful and use my dress to my advantage. I stepped forward and sighed. In two minutes we would dock.

"Y/N! Main sail!" Jacob ordered. He knew not to use my last name, and so did the crew. I gave him a nod and ran to the giant rope, tugging it.

I used all of my weight to shut the sail, swinging to the main mast. I grunted and tied the rough rope around the metal hold. I whirled to Jacob. "Sail is secure!" I shouted. He nodded and gave me a small smile.

I dusted off my skirts and felt a bump. I staggered but caught myself as we docked. "Tie us in place!" Jacob commanded. Harry rushed and tied the boat to the dock.

"Alright boys, say your goodbyes." Jacob said, walking to me. I heard whines and murmurs as the men walked to me.

I laughed sadly and opened my arms. "Handshakes are for men. I'm a woman." I said to the cook. He chuckled and we embraced. He gave me a quick squeeze. "Thank you." He whispered before letting go. I smiled gently and nodded.

After hugging and saying goodbye to almost every sailor, and dealing with some tears, from both sides, Harry was up.

"Hello Korsman." I said slyly, hiding my tears that threatened to show. He chuckled and I ran into his open arms. Harry staggered back before wrapping his arms around me.

Harry has done so much for me. He found out I was a woman and didn't tell the crew. He didn't try to make a move on me, and refused to let the crew change me when I fell overboard. He didn't use my gender against me, and only helped me. He was like an older brother to me.

I felt my tears roll down my cheeks and I sighed. "Thank you, Frère." I whispered. If he knew that frère meant brother in French, he didn't let on. He only squeezed me tighter.

"Hopefully fate with be kind and we will cross paths again." He mumbled into my ear. I nodded into his shoulder and sighed again.

We finally tore away and he handed me a slip of paper. "Write to me." He said. I took the paper with a faint smile. "Of course." I said, slipping the letter inside the bag. I turned around and faced Jacob.

He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. "In all my days, I never imagined a woman on my ship, let alone a woman that did what you did." He complimented. I shied away.

"It's truly been an honour sailing with you,
Y/N." He said solemnly. I looked at him and nodded. "The honour is mine, Captain." I said. He embraced me and I shut my eyes. "Tell Levi he is lucky to have you for a father." I whispered. I heard him take a shaky breath. "Only if you tell C/N how lucky he is to have you for a wife." I chuckled and nodded.

We let go and I dusted off my skirts. "It's been an honour sailing with you all." I said, looking down. "The honour is ours, Captain Y/N." I looked up to find every sailor in a salute.

I felt more tears fall down my cheeks as I put a hand over my mouth in shock. "Stupid emotions." I muttered. They all laughed and put their hands down. "Now go save your fiancé." Harry prompted. I nodded and turned, stepping onto the dock.

I glanced back to the ship to find Harry and Jacob whispering to each other. I gave a small smile before turning forward again. "For C/N." I whispered, walking into my next life.

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