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"You shouldn't have run away Y/N! You are twenty now! Not a mere lovesick little girl!" Father scolded. I could tell people were listening. Good, let them watch as I outwit my father, their general.

"I am not some lovesick little girl! I am going across the seas not just for my benefit, but for my siblings! Did you even think of them?!" I shouted.

"What on this gracious earth do they have to do with this?!"

"Cornelia is head over heels for C/N! She would be heartbroken if something happened to him! The boys look up to him for stories and guidance, especially when you are off playing war hero!! C/N's father misses him! Imagine if John was hit! Imagine if any of your children were in C/N's shoes!! Better yet, imagine you are in my shoes and mother is in C/N's!!"

He balled his hands into fists, taking up a stance. He was scanning up, like a common foe he strove to defeat. "At least I'm old enough! I'm married, I've gone on with my life! I'm doing something worthy! What are you doing, Y/N? What's your 'worthy cause' you fight for?"

I fumed, blood pounding in my head. Is he bloody serious?! "Are you kidding me?!" I shouted, stepping forward. He didn't retreat.

"You want to know my 'worthy cause'? Well let me lay it out for you, father." Another step. No retreat.

I poked his chest with my forefinger. "I'm risking my life to save a great man! I thought it a courtesy to take three extra days just to tell you, so my siblings wouldn't have to! So you would be disappointed in me, not them!" Another poke.

"You are the only other person I left control of the protective militia unit to! I know you good enough to know you will risk your life for those you love!" I paused, meeting his stare. "Can't you see I'm doing the same?" My words were quiet, barely above a whisper, but they were stern. They were more of a statement than a question.

For a few moments, I saw John's face. He looked...hurt. I blinked and my father looked at me once more.

I refocused and took a quiet, deep breath. "I know you don't approve of what I've done, but there is no changing it. You can't snap your fingers and I'll be home safe. You can't even take me back. What's done is done. Accept it, and move on."

I took a step back and tugged at my coat briefly before walking to the ship I arrived on. I could feel the stares of sailors, both friend and foe, stick to me as I crossed the makeshift bridge.

I landed with a small jump and looked around. Everyone was buzzing around, trying to get back on track to the dock.

"Captain." I said as Jacob passed. He paused and faced me. "Schuyler! Amazing job!" He complimented. Soon, everyone was looking to me. I smiled and scanned the crowd, eyes landing on my friend.

"Good to see you with only a bruised cheek." I teased Harry, shaking his hand in greeting. He huffed a laugh. "Not all of us can convince the generals of the patriot army to give us swords." He taunted back. I laughed and unclasped our hands, stuffing my own in my pockets.

He pointed behind me. "General Schuyler is staring." He explained. I turned and connected my gaze with father's. I gave him a small, teasing wave before turning back around to face Harry.

The brunette rolled his eyes. "So, we dock tomorrow at noon." He said with a twinge of sadness. I sighed and nodded.

"Write?" I nodded. "Tell your sisters about me?" I laughed and nodded slowly. "My entire family would love to hear about you. Maybe you could visit some time." I offered. He grinned and nodded. "Here's my address." He fished a small piece of parchment from his pocket. "For writing." He explain as I took the paper.

I pocketed it and gave a deep breath. After some silence, someone walked up to us. "Korsman, we need you for a moment." He said, not meeting my eye. Harry gave me a skeptical look before following the sailor.

I looked around for something to do. Everything seemed fine. I slowly looked up. Even the sails were cast in the right direction. I frowned and looked forward again.

I walked to the starboard side and gripped the edge of the boat, leaning forward an inch. I shut my eyes and inhaled the salt water smell. Today was quite a day. It seems like I've been having busy, worrying days a lot lately. It's not like I choose a dangerous life. I snorted to my hypocritical thoughts, opening my eyes.

"Schuyler!" I turned to my left. "Yes?" My father and I asked in unison. I glanced to father in the other boat, who looked perplexed. The sailor bit his lip.

"Apologies, General, but we mean your daughter." He explained. My father waved him off and I scoffed quietly before walking forward to the man.

"Yes, Brown?" I asked impatiently. He beckoned me to the barracks and I raised an eyebrow. Was he serious?! He paused, blushing. "No no no, just come on." He said, embarrassed. I shrugged and followed.

He opened the door and I walked in. I heard some shuffling and whispers in the near-dark room. The door shut behind me when I saw the candles get lit.


I screamed and fell backwards, landing on my bum. Harry howled with laughter and helped me up before shoving a pint of ale into my hand. "A thank you, for saving our asses!" They cheered. Such language! But then again, men.

I laughed and took a long drink.

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