One Hundred and Six

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We arrived to the ball just as it begun. Everyone dispersed immediately, so I was wandering around on my own, searching for a dance partner.

"Miss?" Someone said from behind me. I turned around to find Harry standing there, a wide smile on his face. His attire was fancy and proper, not a hair out of place!

"Harry! Merry Christmas!" I said, giving him a quick hug. I never had to curtsy for him!

"Merry Christmas, Y/N." He said. I looked around in confusion. "Who are you here with?" I asked, finally meeting his stare. He chuckled and shook his head. "No one. Going stag."

I gave a huff of a laugh and nodded. "Me too."

Before the conversation could continue, the band started to play Silent Night. Everyone grabbed a partner and Harry and I looked around. "A new song! A slow one at that." I said. When I faced him again, he had a hand outstretched.

"May I have this dance?" He asked in a nervous, quiet tone. I flashed him a smile and accepted his hand, his callouses from years at sea perfectly fitting in my hand.

We stepped close to each other and he wrapped one hand around my waist, a respectable distance from my bottom. I place a hand on his shoulder, our other hands joined. We started to step in a small box form, dancing a waltz.

"Who knew a pirate could dance!" I joked. He chuckled and nodded. "My mother taught me when I was young." He explained. I nodded, tucking away the information.

"You look dashing today, by the way." I said, giving a pointed look to his attire. He flashed me a grin. "Don't I always?"

I laughed and he joined me. "Thank you. And you look astounding." He complimented. A blushed from the compliment. I hated being so shy.

The gents dipped their lady partners and I help my breath as I craned my body backwards. Harry pulled up upright and we chuckled.

The rest of the dance was the same routine; step swish step swish step swish and dip. Harry and I chatted about topics ranging from naval war tactics to usual rich person gossip.

Everyone clapped for the band when the song ended and a casual song was played, not meant for dancing but for background music.

Harry's and I's conversation came to an end when someone shouted his name. "I'll see you sometime soon." He said, bowing and kissing my hand. "See you soon." I said, curtsying—just to be polite, as he left.

I headed for the refreshments table and picked up a crystal glass filled with sparkling champagne.

I took a sip when my name was called again. I turned to find Alexander striding towards me. I immediately set down the glass and smoothed my skirts.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N." He said as he kissed my cheek. "Merry Christmas, Alexander." I said cheerily back.

"I thought I'd never find you! I've been searching for a while!" He said with a wry laugh. I chuckled and shrugged. "Apologies. I was dancing with a friend." I explained.

Confusion and worry crossed his eyes and I playfully frowned. "Don't worry Alexander. Harry is like a brother to me." I said, giving his shoulder a small shove. A blush crept to his face as he looked down.

I laughed and he looked to me again, violet eyes bright.

"Good to see you laughing." He said. I could tell he immediately regretted indirectly referring to the incident, but I tried to cheer him up. "Only you could make me laugh." I said.

He smiled shyly at me. "You look gorgeous today. Well, you do everyday, but especially today." He said. I blushed and fiddled with my skirts in embarrassment. "Thank you. You look handsome and dashing yourself." I said in return.

He chuckled and winked charmingly.

"Excuse me," someone said, trying to reach past me. "Oh, sorry!" I said, side stepping.

"It's alright. You look nice today," the man paused, giving me a truly evil grin. I placed a hand over my mouth and scrambled back. "Fiancée."

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