Chapter 4: Well this sucks

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Y/N is now fourteen years old having a year of extensive training with Gojo and his teacher Yaga sensei (well principle now) under her belt. Getou actually became a mass murderer after you were rescued a year ago but that's not important right now. You also met Shoko who in your opinion was very pretty. She taught you a lot of things about first-aid but my goodness was she terrible at explaining things.

Long story short Gojo adopted you right away making you officially Y/n Gojo. It was a little weird at first but he grew on you to the point where you stopped calling him Mr.Gojo and started calling him by his first name.

"SATORUUUU" you wined


"When will I get to meet this Megumi Fushiguro dude?"

"Well the thing is..."

"What is it?"

"He doesn't ...want see you" he mutters softly and quietly


Once you heard those words you felt like disintegrating. You couldn't believe your ears. This boy hasn't met you yet and somehow he found a way to hurt you. You really did want a friend, but you guess it won't be as easy as last time.

"Y/n?" Satoru asked gently sensing your slight mood change.

"Can I beat him up then?"

"If I can record it"

You give him a thumbs up.

"But why didn't he wanna meet me?"

"Rebellious phase and he said he doesn't like "good people" or "bad people"" he states with air quotes

"He probably has his reasons, but I still need to let off some steam" you huffed.


Satoru and yourself walked through streets and corners trying to find the restaurant Satoru said had the best ramen. Satoru informed Megumi to meet up at the restaurant for a surprise.

You really wanted an explanation as to why he rejected your friendship without even knowing you. It was frustrating.

However when you both turned a corner with no other human in sight, you felt your body freeze. No one was around, even Satoru disappeared somehow. It set off multiple alarms in your brain that you need to run. Far and fast. You felt like it was an out of body experience. With no warning your legs started walking themselves into a secluded alley.

'What the hell is going on my body won't listen to me!'

The deeper you went in the alley the darker it got.

'I'm not going to die after all the work I put myself through to become a jujutsu sorcerer!'

You then remembered you don't necessarily need your body for this cursed technique, just your energy. Focusing really hard you slowly started storing in cursed energy in your chest. 'Just like I trained'

Once you felt like it was enough to snap your body out of it's trance and won't wreak any buildings nearby, you let the cursed energy burst.

'Cursed technique: Super Nova'

The blast sent your body flying but it did it's job in letting you have full control over it again. Landing perfectly in a squat position, you realize you have no idea where you are.


You turn around to find your adoptive father frantically walking towards you.

"WHERE DID YOU GO!?" You both question in unison

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