Chapter 47: It didn't hurt

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"If I have never married into that L/n cult, we wouldn't be in this damn mess!" You and Megumi remember your mother, Hillary yell from the old video you both watched a little while ago.

"What?!" Darren asks in a frustrated tone

"D-Darren your mouth... it has blood on it." Hillary informs.

"What? No.. we're supposed to have more time! GIVE US MORE TIME-" He gargles his words, soon he falls to the floor already dead.

"DARREN! OH MY GOD PLEASE GET UP! NO! DAMN YOU WILLIAM-" she was then cut off with her words being gargled, just like Darren. Also having her life ended early.

You come back to reality, the man himself, William standing before you all. A lit cigar in between his lips, puffing out smoke periodically. The scythe still in his grasp. He was also had a backpack that seemed to be carrying something that you should definitely be wary of.

"I don't go by L/n anymore." You say curtly, your hand latching onto your sword's handle tightly.

"Oh yeah, that's right. It's Gojo now isn't it. Well either way, your blood is L/n which is the only thing I care about." William shruggs.

"What's your relationship with me? We're obviously related, but how?" You ask, pointing your blade at him. Nanami stretches an arm out to shield the other three males from the confrontation, silently asking them to be patient.

William sighs before puffing out a white cloud.

"It's nothing really. Your father was just my stupid younger brother." He sneers.

"So I have an uncle huh? I'm guessing I probably have more family?"

"Yup! Some even came here to meet you!" William says in an annoying cheery voice. Your eyebrow raises a smidge from his words.

'So I have a family that actually shares blood eh?' You think to yourself.

"Your younger brother was especially excited to meet you. A long lost sister, finally able to reunite with him. A touching story that will never happen. Your twin cousins are here too, though all three got lost somewhere." He scratches his head.

Your lips part a tad, the idea of a younger brother reaching your ears. As if a joyous symphony had just begun. Megumi notices your expression, almost like you had just received the best news, however the situation at hand soon turned your face sour.

"What do you mean that it will never happen?" You ask coldly.

"I think we all know exactly what I mean, Y/n L/n." He says, swinging his scythe around his body before it clashes with your sword, making sparks fly and a loud bang reverberate the area.

"I've already told you, I don't go by L/n anymore." You bite back, soon landing a kick on his abdomen. He skids away, still on his feet. Almost like the kick didn't faze him.

"You can't hate our familial name that much. I mean, especially since you seem to take great care for that sword." William smirks, his eyes pointed directly at your red blade.

"You might wanna elaborate, I am curious as to why our weapons look the same." You say. "Though this blade was a gift from my father. So how does it relate to the L/n's?"

"Long ago, when our clan was in its early stages, we discovered a new type of metal." William starts, the red markings on his scythe starting to glow, making your sword do the same thing.

"It's called Tainted Blood Stone, or T.B.S for short.

'That's a lame name.' You deadpan.

"A lame name, I know but whatever." He points the scythe in the direction of your sword. "You see, we've kept this mineral a secret for generations, it's not even in the geologists' radar. We made sure it never fell in the hands of others because of it's extraordinary nature."

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