Chapter 42: Explain yourself

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Satoru had already become the strongest at this point. He is simply untouchable.... literally. He attends Jujutsu Tech as a third year now, 18 years of age.

After he retrieved yours and Riko's body, he gave you both a proper burial. Wanting to respect the two that lost their lives in the failed mission.

He also learned your name after Geto told him about your heroic act when you saved Riko from Toji's bullet.

A shame that he never got to know you.

He strutted his way towards Yaga, who had just called him over to discuss something. A pit in his stomach forms when he nears his teacher.

Yaga does his best to tell Satoru the situation in a calm manner. To put it simply... Satoru was shocked

"Huh?" He asked.

"Don't make me repeat myself. Suguru massacred the village he went to and is on the run." Yaga says, a deep frown on his face.

"No, I heard you. That's why I said "huh?" Gojo says

"There's nothing in his home anymore, but the bloodstains indicate that he must've attacked his parents as well."

"There's no fucking way he did!" Gojo says, complete and utterly distraught.

"Satoru. I... I don't get why this is happening either." Yaga says, a helpless tone overcoming his usual authoritative one.

Satoru could only stay quiet, distressed on all levels.



Geto wanders the streets of Tokyo after he met up with his classmate Shoko. After their little chat she ended up calling Gojo and informing him that Geto was nearby.

He halts in his steps when the one and only Gojo Satoru makes an appearance in front of him.

The two have a standoff before one speaks.

"Explain yourself... Suguru." Gojo commands, about to pop a vein from his frustration.

"Didn't you hear from Shoko? There's not much else
to it." Geto replies bluntly.

"So you'll just kill everyone who's not a shaman!? Even your own parents!?" Gojo asks.

"I can't go making exceptions can I? And those people aren't my own family."

"That's not what I'm asking! I thought you were against killing if there's no meaning to it!?"

"But there is a meaning. A significance too. There's even a purpose to it."

"No there isn't!! You wanna make a world of shamans by killing every non-shaman?! No way thats gonna work! Trying stuff you already know doesn't work is as meaningless as it gets!!"

"That's pretty arrogant." Geto says in a cool tone.


Geto peers directly into Gojo's exposed eyes. No silliness in his tone. No warmness. No friendly chatter.

Just laying his perspective for Gojo to see.

"It's possible for you, right? Satoru?" He asks. Gojo's eyes widen at his used to be friend's words. Almost felt like a dagger pierced through his chest into his heart. A place not many can get to. However Geto seemed to have done it effortlessly.

"If it's possible for you... can you really go around saying it's impossible. Are you strong because you're Gojo Satoru or are you Gojo Satoru cause your strong?" Geto asks, rhetorical or not, it was a statement that Geto has been thinking about.

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