Chap.1 "Dont test my patience"

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*Beep beep beep*. I groan, hearing my alarm clock go off AT THE ASS CRACK OF DAWN. I ungracefully get out of bed to start my first day at my new school. I put my hair in a messy bun, wash my face and brush my teeth, then throw on a cute outfit.
Outfit :

I head downstairs and make myself some coffee putting it in a container so it doesn't spill, then lead myself out the door with my skateboard

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I head downstairs and make myself some coffee putting it in a container so it doesn't spill, then lead myself out the door with my skateboard. After fifteen minutes of riding, I finally get to school and go to the front office.

"Hello sweetie, you must be the new student" Ms.....Jones? Says.

"Yeah, I am; I'm here for my schedule," I ask.

"Ahh yes, let me just print it out, and ill be right with you, sweetie."
I smile happily.

"Okay, great, thank you," I say to the very kind lady. I take a seat and wait for it to be printed." Here you go, hun, those are all your classes." she hands them to me.

"Great, thank you, Ms," I say, then walk out with my schedule. It wasn't until I walked out that I had no idea where I was going. That is until two very energetic girls come running to me.

"Hello, I'm Rose; you must be the new girl !" the blonde tells me.

"I'm Ariel. Nice to meet you !" She tells me. I give them a small smile.

"Oh, hi, I'm Aurora," I say back. How the hell do they have so much energy?

" OMG, that name is so pretty !" she emphasizes the 'so.'

"Do you need help finding your classes"

Ariel asks's "oh um yes, please, " I say back. She grabs it from my hand, and they both start reading it. I fall into a daydream waiting for them to tell me where to go, which is cut off by Ariel's high-pitched squeal.

" YAY, you have your first four classes with me and your other three with Rose," she says very happily. Okay, seriously, how the hell it's 8:00 in the fucking morning.

" OMG, YAY ill see you in 5th period," Rose says.

"Oh, okay, bye Rose. "I wave bye.

"Okay, you ready to go Ariel says "yup," I say back.

We start walking to 1st period as Ariel starts asking me a question.

"Do you do any activities ?"

" Well, I skateboard," I say back.

"Omg, that's so cool. I've always wanted t-" she gets cut off when someone bumps into her sending her to the ground.

"watch it bitch " the Anonymous guy says.

"s-sorry," she says back.

My eyes go wide its not her fault; why is she apologizing? And as I'm thinking, They start to walk away.

"Why the hell are you apologizing? It was his fault," I say, helping her up.

I hear feet screech on the ground and look up to see the exact guy inches away from my face.

"what did you just say?" he asks, practically daring me to say, which I happily accept his dare and say.

"Did I stutter, or are you deaf ?" in an angry tone, he smirks a little. Who the hell does he think he is. I don't even know him, and I want to beat the shit out of him.

" You must be new here," he says still inches away from my face .

" Look who's Mr.state of the obvious " i say in a once again angry tone .

" I'll let you slide because your new,but dont ever step to me again " he says very calmly to where i laugh in his face as i feel myself getting more angry by the second .

" Or what?" i say calmly matching his tone he then wraps his hand around my throat and pushes me into the lockers .I feel my blood literally boiling and in a split second i have him preshed up against the lockers , my hands around his throat and inches away from his face.

"Dont test my patience pretty boy " i lean in closer to his ear and continue " because i dont have any " i let him go shoving him into the locker one last time .I look up to see all his friends looking at me with shocked wide eyes.

" Dont y'all have something else to stare at,damn disrespectful ass's " i mutter the last part to myself but loud enough so they can still hear me .I look over to rose and see her wide eyed expression.

"Ready for class " i say acting like nothing happened.She gets out of her daze and says.

"Y-yea lets go " she says still surprised.Before i go i look back at pretty boy and give him a smirk while walking away.

"That was so badass you just stood up to Xavier " she squeeks excitedly.I chuckle a little bit at her expression. I wonder why she was so surprised i mean it was his fault he acted as if he was the king of this school .Little shit.My thoughts get interupted by rose.

" Okay here we are " she says with a bright smile on her face we both walk in.I immediantly notice Mr. pretty boy sitting in the back of the class ther are no other seats besides the one directly in front of
him.well shit.

"Good luck" she whispers in my ear with a little smirk on her face.I look back at her giving her a glare only to be followed by a chuckle.I go over and sit infront of him. giving him a smug look on my face.

"Okay everyone welcome to my class.Where gonna start off with a grouped project.A random boy raised his hand high practically falling out of his seat.

"No jake you cannot choose your partner " he answered before he even asked the question.He already looks fed up with everyone.

"Okay calling out partners now "

"Rose and Jake "

"Aiden and Ava " please dont let me be partnered with that douche .

"Aurora and Xavier " you have got to be fucking kidding me.He goes on calling all the different names of students

"This is going to be fun "pretty boy whispers into my ear.I slump back into my seat.I fucking hate this school already.

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