Chap.18"But he had her"

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"Time to wake up baby" I hear someone whisper .

"No"I say

"Baby" he says warningly


"I'll kiss you "

"I'd like that "

"No kisses for a day "

"Now that is evil"I say while getting up.I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair . I wash my face and leave the bathroom .

"Hi pretty girl ."

"We aren't on speaking terms" I say while walking over and lay right ontop of him .

"But your laying on me?"He says confused

"I don't see your point " I say.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" he tells me while kissing my forehead .

"Mmm kiss me here " I say pointing to my cheek . He kisses me

"And here " I say pointing to my other cheek .he kisses me there

"And here " I say pointing to my forehead . He kisses me

"And right here " I say pointing to my lips and he does .I start to laugh

"Your my bitch " I say and get up to sprint away

"GET BACK HERE !" He yells and starts to chase me . I scream and run through the house.I get about 10more steps in before he catches me.

"Take it back "he says in my ear

"Never "

"" he says trying to be intimidating

"Your cute when your trying to intimidate me "I tell him

"Your impossible" He says. I take his face and kiss everywhere on it . Then lastly his lips .

"Pretty girl " he tells me .


I exaggerate the kiss.He picks me up and kisses me again.

"Are you serious . Again . "

We both snap our heads around .

"Shit " I mutter

"I'm pretending I didn't see this goodbye horny children" my mama says .

"Sorry mama!" I yell .

"We have to stop that " he says while laughing I hide my face in his neck while laughing .

"You want coffee princess?" He asks once the laughing died down .I nodded

"Ya know I love how we just quit school . "I say realizing that we haven't gone almost all week

"I forgot about that " he says laughing .

"How do we forget about school " I say while laughing he starts laughing to .

"Here baby your coffee"

"Thank you baby " he kisses my temple

"Xavier "


"Here" I hand him the hard drive .

"I didn't have time to go through them but everything that was on his computer is on there "I tell him

I go over to grab my lap top and put in the hard drive and a bunch of files fill the screen.

"Here what's this ?" I say I open the screen and everything that was on the board is on the screen .

"Here this is what I saw this is what was on the board " I say

"Woah" he says .

"Wait what's this " I tap i on the untitled file .

"Oh my god " he whispers a tear starts to come down his face .

"Is that" I ask

"Yes". His mom . Salvatore killed his mother .

"How is this possible . She had cancer . This is impossible .

"Xavier did you see her die ? Or did they tell you that she died "

"They they told me that she died in her sleep ."his eyes widen in realization.

"Oh baby " I whisper . I pull him into a hug and he nuzzled into my neck .

"I'm so sorry my baby ." I hear his little sniffles

"I hate him . I hate him Aurora " he says in a whisper .

"I know baby. I know " I tell him

" how is this possible . He loved her "he mutters

"Come"I lead him to my mamas room .


"Yes sweet pea come in "

"Mama. Look " I say and give her the laptop And play to footage .

"Oh my god " she whispers .

"Mom why would he ever do that "

"She was a weakness " she mutters to herself .

"She was a weakness to him . So he killed her. He took away his only weaknesses the guilt was too much so he blamed it on you " she says to us .

"Oh my god" I say to myself

"I'm so sorry honey " My mom says .

"It's fine " he whispers.

"Come on " I tell him I take the laptop  lead him out of the room . I bring him to my bedroom and hold him close .

"I'm so sorry " I whisper and rub his back .

"I thought he loved her " he whispers .

"I know baby .I know " I mutter back .

"What can I do to help ?" I ask in a whisper

"Just hold me please " he asks . My heart breaks for him

"Okay baby "I whisper . I bring him to the bed and he lays on top of me with his head on my stomach and his arms around my waist .I kiss his head and scratch his back softly .

He just had one of the worst day of his life . But he had her so it was all okay.




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