Chap.41"You stupid sweet girl"

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"H-how are y-you" he stutters to find the words.

Aurora opens her arms and he rushes into them in a friendly hug.

"Your okay" he says confused

"I am" she says back.

Suddenly he smacks the back of her neck.

"If you ever pull that shit again I'm punching you in the tit" Carson says a tear down his cheek. Aurora laughs a little.

Carson hugs her again still In shock.

Alright I'm all for this but stop the touching.

I pull her back and press her against my chest holding her tightly.

"I missed my baby" I say out loud.

"I missed you more" she says. I pick her up and she wraps around my waist.

"I love you so much" she whispers.

"I love you more"

"Well I'll leave y'all too it.. I'm out" Carson says making a piece sign.I shake my head and look back at aurora.

"Let's get you cleaned up" I tell her. I sit her on the counter and go to the bath. I set it to warm and wait for it to heat up. In the mean time I walk over to aurora and slowly take her top off being careful not to hurt her.

I immediately see bruises big purple bruises all over her perfect body. Her neck has hand marks she has scratch marks on her chest.I look up trying to stay calm but when I do I see her back.

The whole thing is bruised. Words cut out into her back. Belt marks everywhere.

This is all my fault. I should have known he was lying. I just went with it. I could have saved her sooner.

I look down at her face and she looks back up at me.

"Oh my baby" I say pulling her to my chest.
She sniffles a bit.

"I'm gonna take off your pants okay."I say softly and she nods.

I slowly take off her pants terrified of what I will find.

I look down and she has bite marks scratches knife marks and shoe marks

I take a deep breath. I need to be strong right now.for her.

I pick her up bridal style and set her in the bath . She relaxes and I see her muscle unclench.

"Come please." She says looking up at me with pleading eyes.

I comply and take off my top and bottoms. She moves forward a bit and I slide behind her. I pull her shoulders so she lays on my chest.

"What happened to you" I say looking at her body she whimpers.

"I got you"

"They wanted to know where you were . Your phone number credit card number what we were planning and I wouldn't give it to them. So they tried this" she says.

"You sweet stupid girl. Baby why didn't you just tell them we would have figured it out"

"I couldn't risk that . And you already thought I was dead so why would it matter" she says . God.

I don't respond and begin to brush out her hair. I start from the bottom and work my way up so I don't hurt her.

I take the shampoo and massage it into her scalp. I  mix it all in till it is foaming and I took a plastic cup that I keep beside here whenever we shower and fill it up with water.

I put her head back and Poot the water on her head gently. Once it's out I mix in the conditioner fully only on her ends . While that sits I get her face creams and put some into my hand and mix it on her face . I gently massage her face and giver her cute little lips kisses here and there.

Once it's mixed I carefully Poor the water on her face careful not to Poor to hard.

-1 hour later-

I sit in the bath with her for atleast an hour . I cuddle with her and comfort her. I washed her body carefully and extremely gently so I don't hurt her.

Once we're done I pull out the ring so the bath tub drains. I wrap myself in a towel before picking her up and wrapping one around her .

She lays on my shoulder weakly and sighs.

I pick out some comfy sweatpants and her favorite hoodie of mine. I put on some panties and her sweatpants and don't bother putting her bra on. I throw on the hoodie carefully and then clothe myself .

"When was the last time you ate baby?" She looks up at me thinking.

"A week ago."she states . Of course.

"Let's go get some food in you" I tell her and pick her up . She rests a so go downstairs and spot Carson Aiden and chase. They spring up but I hold a finger to my lips telling them to stay quite. They don't look happy about that but sit down.

I g mo to the pantry and decide to warm up some soup. I put it in a bowl and heat it up and once it's done I grab a spoon and sit on the couch with her in my lap facing forward . Her sleeve rises up and Carson Aiden and chase see a purple bruise. There eyes widen and I pull her sleeve back down. Aurora gives them a forced smile and they smile back. They all go back to talking acting like nothing happened which I'm sure Aurora is thank full for .

I pick up the spoon and blow on the soup. I wait until it cools down and bring it to her lips. She drinks some of it and the noodle and lays back down on me.

"Baby you need more than just a bite" I tell her.

"I'm not hungry" she says sadly.

"Just a few more bites and then you can fall asleep okay" I ask and she hesitantly nods.

She almost finishes the soup but not quite. She adjusts herself so she's laying with my chest to her. She lays on my shoulder and sighs loudly playing with the end of my shirt.

I scratch her head making her more sleepy and all enough she's out like a light.

"How is she?" Carson asks.

"She has bruises everywhere she has belt marks Bite marks scratch marks some from knifes and purple bruises.everywhere." I emphasis the everywhere.

"Those sons of bitches im gonna kill them" aiden says.

"Make sure she's okay first" Carson says.

My poor baby.

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