Ch:4 ~𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝒾𝒶𝓇 ~

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—Right, when school was over I was eager to get home and know how Clay's first day had gone

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Right, when school was over I was eager to get home and know how Clay's first day had gone. Once I parked out front I jumped out and walked over to the comforting home. When I did I made a long glance into the trees where I had witnessed what I didn't think I would. It kept lingering in my mind the whole day. It was so weird. Of course, I knew they existed

Stepping inside the already lit home. I see Grandma working on some dinner. I caught a glimpse of Clay who eagerly turns his attention to me and right away ran to me almost making me crash back by the roughness. My eyes widened in surprise and Grandma gave me a comforting smile and continued to stir the pot.

"I'm assuming your first day went great," I said looking down at him as he pulled back.

"Yes! It was great, Rach!" He started. "I met this cool kid who began to talk to me about how he liked my green polaroid camera." I was shook. I didn't think he was going to grab a friend this quickly. Don't get me wrong. Clayton was very extroverted and of course, with that, he will be able to make friends. But I didn't think after what happened to us that he would. I was extremely happy and excited for him to create a good nice friendship. I was also happy for making a friend who was very straightforward. Scarlet.

"That's great, bud!" I said as I sat at the dinner table. "What's his name?" I asked curiously.

"His name is...Raylon?" He said doubtfully. When he completely registered and thought about the name he confirmed it. The forgetfulness made me smile. As he continued to gossip about this so-called Raylon Grandma asked about my day.

"Oh, yeah! How was your day?" Clay said apologetically for bragging about himself and not asking his sister.

"It's Ok. It was great. I made a friend too," I said and they both gave me proud smiles.

"That's good!" Clay shouts. And Grandma nods approvingly at me.

"Yes, that is good Hun. I'm happy both of you starting good in your first days in New Hampshire," By that comment Me and Clay smile sadly at her. It was actually going so great besides the 'Wolf encounter' I had last night. But I wouldn't be mentioning that right now. "But, anyway Jasmin will be here shortly," Grandma said tracing me out of my thoughts. I had completely forgotten about that.

After Grandma reminded us about that I made sure for Clayton and I to have a fast shower and change into something suitable for first impressions. Finally, after we were freshened up and ready we went downstairs and waited for Grandma's friend to show up. And after a few minutes, she did. Good thing we were ready in time.

She actually seemed pretty nice. She looked like Grandma's age but seemed a little more of her actual age. She had grey hair like Grandma she was thin and petite as well. We talked about how they both met and they apparently met where Grandma works at the thrift shop. That made sense. So, in simple words, they worked together.

When she asked a little about us moving here. I tried hard to avoid the situation and thankfully she did. I suspected Grandma had already led her on to what had happened so she avoided talking about it. Clay was mostly just there listening to our boring grown-up conversations. When it seemed he got bored he excused himself and went to the living room and continued his 'Arthur' Marathon.

2 hours had surprisingly seemed to pass in a flash. It was getting late so Jasmine had to go. "It was nice meeting you, Jasmine," I said embracing her into a nice hug. She returned it.

"Of course, same to you Rachel," She said and gave Grandma a slight 'goodbye' and 'see you tomorrow'.

Afterward, we gave our own goodnights comments and I had to carry Clay's 7-year-old self up the stairs since he fell asleep. Grandma offered her help but I declined nicely.


"Really, I can make our own breakfast, Rose," I said the next morning as we sat and had already breakfast served. The last thing I wanted was for her to feel obliged to cook us food every morning. I can easily manage Clayton and I's breakfast.

She waved her hand in protest."It's really fine," She assured eating a spoonful of scrambled eggs. I just sighed and looked down at my food. If that's how she wanted it. But I wasn't going to let this slide I was surely going to sneak in here sometimes to make breakfast.


As I came out of the front office from grabbing my books I see Scarlet running up to me. "Hey!" She crushed me into a big hug that almost made me drop my books. Woah, she has much energy in the mornings. "What are you up to?" She asked pulling away from the rough embrace.

"Just came from picking up some required class books," I said as we arrive in front of my locker. I stuff all of them in there except the History book that I needed for my first class. Scarlet rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Well, that's boring," She exclaimed checking her phone. I shut my locker and we continued to walk. Thankfully, today I won't be late as yesterday we were actually pretty early. Literally the worst mistake in my life. Who the hell will want to be late on their first day?

When we continue to walk further into the hallway I suddenly hear some guys' laughter coming from in front of us that sounded way too intimidating for my liking. I look up to see where the laughter was coming from and when I do my heart starts beating faster than usual. I might sound dramatic as hell but I'm not even kidding.

There were three of them in a group laughing for god knows what. The one on the right had nice dark curls, that landed on both sides of his face. He looked rather carefree. The one on the left looked more serious than the other two when the others laughed his mouth just twitched.

My attention went to the one in the center who grabbed my attention at first. He was rather gorgeous as hell that I can't explain in words. He was taller than the rest of them which made the others look short since they were both beside him. His body features were what had grabbed my attention he was very muscular and buff. His hair was in an undercut, the color was a slight honey blond. But what grabbed my attention more was his eyes that I can make out easily from afar. They were a beautiful gray silvery color that seemed oddly familiar.

As I continued to get lost in his enchanting eyes his attention turned to me briefly who was still admiring him like an idiot. When he noticed me looking he quickly smirked at me in an obvious way then looked away. I mentally slapped myself and rolled my eyes. Why are guys so full of themselves now in days? "What's gotten you all distracted?" Scarlet asked almost startling me. I totally forgot she was beside me. She looked behind us to see that I was indeed looking at three of the boys who grabbed my attention. "Oh, don't even think about it, 'The Willows' are just invisible most of the time," She said. The Willows? Invisible?

"What do you mean 'invisible'?" I asked curiously.

She shrugged. "They just never talk to anybody just with each other...unless they are hooking up with somebody except the one with gray eyes, he doesn't seem interested in that kind of stuff. Respect for the man," She exclaimed. Interesting.

"Are they like brothers?" I asked furthermore.

"I have no clue, but I'm guessing since they are called 'The Willows' they are brothers," She said emphasizing 'The Willows'. I almost laughed at how bored she sounded in talking about them. "Anyway, let's go into class before we are late," She said as we arrived at our first class.

"I didn't figure you would care about being late," I said with a slightly teasing smile.

"Right," She said laughing humorously. Way too loud that everyone in the class turned to look at us. I swear this girl loves attention.

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