Ch.13 ~ 𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑒 ~

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As we made ourselves inside the house I was automatically met with the smell of beer mixed with weed. It was super crowded everywhere. There were people in each corner drinking and talking if not then making out. Ok, maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"I'll grab everyone a drink," Cole said sounding bored. We all just nodded and stood next to the kitchen counter which seemed like the only place with fewer people. I looked over at Scarlet and Oliver who were just giggling with each other and way too close. Welp, this is awkward. Gosh, Scarlet.

I looked up to Wyatt who already had his eyes on me and held a smug smirk on his face. "Now, why are you smirking at me?" I waved my hands dramatically in the air for effect. He just shrugged and laid his torso on the kitchen counter. God, why did I find that hot?

I was about to remove my eyes from him but then I heard him give me a chuckle. I swear is he like...mental. Why does he keep on laughing and smirking for no damn reason?"Ok, seriously what do you find funny? Do I have something on my face or in my dress?" I questioned looking all over my body as he just looked at me amusingly.

"No, you're perfect," He said making me look back at him with reddened cheeks. We continued to look at each other until Cole came in barging in with our drinks. Thank god. Lifesaver. I accepted the drink and smelled it before drinking it.

"You don't drink?" Oliver asked and that's when I noticed everybody's attention was on me. I remember I've only drunk once in a party I got invited to in my junior year but that didn't end well, which led to me not having friends anymore cause they were complete assholes.

"Not really," I said looking down at my cup. "Does this have...?"

"Yep," Cole mumbled as he drank his boredly without a care in the world.

I took a sip of it and automatically scrunched my face upwards not liking the bitter taste. Everyone just looked at me and laughed.

"I'm going to walk around," Cole said before walking out of the kitchen and out to the other room. Yeah, maybe to find someone else to get laid with. That is disgusting. I don't understand how men can actually do that. That reminds me...what if Oliver is the same way?

I looked back towards Scarlet and Oliver who were already too lost in each other again. I mean he doesn't look that interested in anybody else but her...

"Hey, we are heading over to the main room," Scarlet said and gave me a small smile.

"K," I said as Oliver also let Wyatt know and he simply just nodded. With that, they made their way out. I gave my cup another small sip again cringing at the sour taste. Seriously, who drinks this poison. I rather eat a whole can of sardines than this.

"You really don't need to drink that, if you don't want it," Wyatt said taking a chug of his not making a face or anything.

"Do you not have taste buds?" I asked dumbstruck at his straight face - that thing is sour.

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