Don't do that again

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Y/n's P.O.V:

I stared at Percy in shock.

"What did you say?" I asked fighting back tears.

"I said no one is your friend here, they're all only your friends because I'm your brother. And Nico doesn't really love you he just thinks you're a shoulder to cry on." Percy repeated, hatred locked in his sea green eyes that were identical to mine.

Percy started hating me so suddenly. He began to verbally and mentally abuse me, he said he was supposed to be the only Poseidon child, I wasn't supposed to exist. 

Part of me wanted to punch him and call him a liar, but the rational part of my brain told me he was right.

"Why don't you go jump of a cliff or something?" He asked motioning to the door.

"You know what I think I will." Percy might think I am joking, but I'm dead Sirius. 

As I turned to look back at him, he had an evil, cruel smile on his face and for a moment I swear I saw a flicker of gold in his eyes I blinked and it went away. 

I walked and memories began to flood through me, me chasing him after spying on Nico and I making out, sitting on the Argo II. Everything flashed by and it made miss the old Percy.

I first made sure Percy was gone out of the cabin and ran back inside. I pulled out the heart locket Nico had given me for our first month anniversary and opened it. I began writing a note explaining to Nico everything and put it inside the locket.

I went to his cabin when he wasn't there and put the locket where he would see it. "I'm sorry..." I muttered before leaving the cabin.

I ran deep into the woods where I knew a cliff was, I ran and ran it kind of felt like the ground was pushing me forward making me go faster and in the right direction.

I finally made it to the summit. I was rocking on the balls of my feet. Do I need to do this? No. Do I want to this? Fuck yeah. I know I sound crazy but I just can't stand my life right now.

I looked down and gulped, it was at least a 100 foot drop from up here but I had to do it. I closed my eyes and leaned my weight towards the edge when a voice says. "Y/n?"

Nico's P.O.V: 

'I'm happy you think I was a good friend to you all this time. I'm sorry you were all forced to be friends with me, but Percy is right I'll never be as good as him in anything I'm worthless for a daughter of Poseidon. Just know Nico, I truly loved you even if you thought I was only a shoulder to cry on...'

-Love Y/n.

What?! O-only a shoulder to cry on?! What is she thinking? This must be Percy's fault I heard him yelling at her earlier and I was shocked Percy never yelled.

I stormed into the Poseidon cabin and found Percy. "Where is she?!"

"Where's who?" He asks in confusion blinking like he came out of a trance.

"Y/n, L/n. Your sister, my girlfriend daughter of Poseidon. Ring a bell? I asked waving my hands around, he looked at me like I was crazy.

"I thought she was with you." He said standing up, I threw the note at him and he caught it. His eyes go wide as he reads it. "N-no. What did I do!?" He asks pulling his hair. "Whatever it was you must have been being controlled or something but we need to stop her." I said, it was all I could do to run of without the asshole.

They bolted out of the cabin and into the woods following the sounds of crunching leaves to the edge of the cliff. Y/n stood there her head dipped. She began to lean forward just as I shouted. "Y/n!" She was was already over the cliff, I dived forward and grabbed her hand and kept her from falling.

I lifted her and let her fall on top of me when Percy grabbed her other hand, she started sobbing in her shirt and I stroked her hair. "Sh, it's ok, you're safe." She calmed down after a while.

Y/n's P.O.V:

I sobbed onto Nico's chest, what in the Hell was I thinking? I couldn't abandon him like how everyone else did, I was being so selfish.

 All of these thoughts flew threw my head making me feel dizzy so the world spun. I felt Nico's cold hands slide around my waist and lift me bridal style. 

He said a few things to Percy but I couldn't really hear anything.

I locked my arms around his neck when he stood up. "N-Nico?" I asked, his cold lips touched my forehead. "Yes?" He asked letting me sit down. 

"I'm sorry," I said looking away from him in shame. 

He lifted my chin and forced my eyes to meet his. He placed a kiss on my lips sending electricity through my body. 

He pulled away. "It's ok, just don't ever do that again." I nodded and fell asleep against his chest.

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