Charlotte and Nico discovered!

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{A/N}: Your name is Charlotte in this one.


You, the 7 minus Percy plus Reyna were hanging out in the Poseidon cabin playing a game of uno when Percy finally walks in. You all barley glance at him as your so invested in the game.

"Guys I have BIG news!" He yelled making you jump as he was right next to your ear. You gave him a 'I like your cut g' right at the back of his head making him yelp.

"What is it?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, spit it out Perce." Piper urged.

"What's going on?" Annabeth asked looking up from her shielded deck of cards.

"Percy just said he has some big news for us." Grover explained.

"Seaweed brain? What kind of news could he get his hands on?" Annabeth asked, "Oh roasted!" You laughed high-fiving her.

"Oh don't underastimate me wise girl and kelp face." He said.

"Don't call me kelp face!" You growled.

"Okay what is it?" She asked.

He looked at you and Nico, "First, I need to make sure someone is paying attention."

You nudged Nico's shoulder and he looked up. You didn't like where this was going.

"What do you want?" He asked scowling at Percy.

"I have news to share." he said again.

"JUST HURRY UP THE HOT STUFF! I CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!" Leo yelled standing up, Piper pulled him back down.

"Okay, okay, okay," Percy said. "so I was walking past the Hades cabin last night around 2am and guess what I heard." You really didn't like where this was going as you were there at that exact time. The tip of your ears reddened.

"An earthquake." Hazel guessed.

"Someone fighting." Frank wondered.

"Nico planning a prank on someone." Where did Jason come up with that?

"A date! A midnight one." Piper squealed. Oh Gods, you thought, we're dead.

"No they were planning an evil scheme." Annabeth said.

"Ya'll wrong." Percy said shaking his head.

"Then tell us." Grover sighed.

"Yeah spill!" Leo said. "Oh wait, I got it!"

Percy raised an eyebrow. Please, please, please Leo don't!

"It was burning down!" Phew.

"No." Percy said.

"Why would it be burning down?" You asked when you found your voice, it was squeakier than usual out of fear.

"I suspect he was the one to burn it down last time." Nico said looking at you.

"Wait, Leo?" Jason asked.

"I knew it!" Piper yelled pumping her fist.

"No!" Leo said. "why in the Hera would I do that? Aren't I the hottest, smartest, nicest man you ever met?"

"No." Reyna said. You laughed.

"Meanie." Leo said.

"Anyways," Percy said. "I heard..." he paused looking at you and Nico. "Moans coming from the Hades cabin."

Everyone's expressions besides yours and Nico's went from embarrassment, to shock, to confusion to realisation

"No seriously I did." Percy confirmed.

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