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Nico's P.O.V:


Nightmares hit you like a bullet right through your heart jerking you awake making you clutch onto your blanket as if were dear life. I sighed at sat up while rubbing my eyes groggily. I hardly got any sleep which made me look like a real life character from 'The walking dead'. Pulling on my jacket I made sure there were no patrol harpies were out in the open and I made my way outside. 

I walked through the woods listening to the chirping sounds of the owls that made me scowl. For some reason owls reminded me of the Hunter of Artemis and the Hunters of Artemis reminded me of...B-Bianca, there, happy now that I said her name?

I glanced up at the sky that was empty of starts except for one single constellation: Zoë's. I glared at that too, Bianca made just as much of a sacrifice as she did, why didn't she get a constellation?

I was shaken out of my thoughts as I noticed a figure at the edge of a cliff that lead down to a huge lake. My eyes widened as I realized the figure was a...girl and she was...completely naked! From head-to-toe no clothes. 

I realized she might be comitting suicide and I had to save her.

"Hey! Suicide!" I shouted. Which sounded ridiculous now that I thought about it.

Nonetheless, the girl fell forward with her arms outstretched on either side, she fell gracefully in just as I made it to where she was standing a second ago. I groaned as a shrugged of my jacket and shirt. Taking a deep breath I plunged into the icy depths.

I swam over to her as I saw her. Dang that girl was fast! I finally caught her around her waist and to my surprise she started fighting me.

"What are you doing in my haven!?" She demanded flicking a strand of wet hair that was plastered on her face. I made a sharp intake of breath, it was (Y/N) (Y/L/N), daughter of Poseidon, Percy Jackson's sister.

Your P.O.V:

You didn't bother falling asleep like usual, you had insomnia so you couldn't sleep at all you hadn't felt what sleep feels like in all your life. You left a note on Percy's bed letting him know where you'll be so he wouldn't worry. He was...overprotective.

You grabbed a towel and spare clothes for after and headed to a place that no one knew of that was like your private sanctuary.

You walked silently through the woods the grass soft under your feet. You got to the place and began stripping of your clothes since swimming in the lake felt a huge ass bath than anything else but you loved it. Once that was done you let yourself get lost in your element blocking out the world as you free-fell into the lake.

As you swam you let yourself go under and then come back again then started doing basic strokes and paddles. Until you felt cold hands around your waist.

Turning around, you shouted. "What are you doing in my haven?!" Your breath hitched once you realized it was your long time crush Nico di Angelo.

"What are you doing trying to commit suicide?!" He demanded. Now you were even more baffled.

"Suicide? Why would you think I was trying to commit suicide?!"

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact your jumping of rocks?"

"Maybe you've forgotten the fact I'm a daughter of Poseidon."


You smirked in victory. "Who knows maybe I might be the one having to save you next time."

"What? You think I can't swim?" 

"I know you can't."

"Race you to the edge?"

"Ha fine loser boy."

You stared swimming on the count of three, you had to admit he wasn't bad only 3 paces behind you. Your back rested on the rocks. "Never bet against children of Poseidon when it comes to water." You smirked.

All your confidence went down the drain once you realized you were naked and he was shirtless. "Um..." You began glancing down your body once he seemed to get the message. Placing his hands on the rocks he lifted himself easily out of the water splattering you a little when he went to fetch his jacket. 

He held out a hand to you and you took it, lacing your fingers through his he easily pulled you out but almost immediately wrapped the jacket around you with out even looking once. You closed it around you a little more tightly and sat down next to him, you looked at him with your head tilted, you heard from rumors that he wasn't this nice to people.

"Why did you think I was committing suicide?" You asked.

"I don't know." Was his reply.

There was a few minutes of silence until he turned to face you, you noticed some fine detail in the time he was looking at you, the way his hair was plastered to his forehead, the water droplets on his face...


You shook your head. "S-sorry I-"

"Was daydreaming?"

You smiled and stared ahead. Without thinking you grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in a hug. He tensed up like he was shocked with a thousand bolts of electricity but after a minute or so he slid his arms around your waist and this time you shuddered from the cold. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and stayed there for a while.


"Oh gods!" Was what you woke up to. You jerked awake.

"What? What's happening?!" You demanded. You looked up to see the seven snickering at you, you blinked in confusion and heat rose up to your cheeks. Nico was lying next to you with his hands around your waist still and you were both still shirtless.

"It's not what it's looks like!"

"Yeeeeaahhhh, surrre." Was followed by hoots of laughter.

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