Just Friends

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"They make me sick." You muttered tapping your pencil on the front page of the sketch book on your lap. Your gaze was fixed on two people. A flirtatious Latino Elf boy and a Caramel-haired Goddess. He was showing her around Camp Half Blood. Calypso listened to him intently, blushing and everting her gaze every so often at the little comments Leo made.

You adored him ever since he landed in the lake at the Camp. Well, maybe that might be an exaggeration because no one could fall for someone so fast, but in your case you did. His determination to fix things and abnormally relatable sense of humor made it ever worse over time. When you were asked by the Prophercy to be the Healer on the Argo ||, you gladly accepted, not that you had a choice but still and of course in hopes to become closer to Leo and get to know him better. At first, you believed a connection had sparked between the two of you when he displayed clear jealousy when you had to help Nico di Angelo heal from his time in the Jar, who by far is one of your best friend a girl could possibly have. He was cute and all, emo just like you were after your adoptive parents died in a car crash. Though, darkness was attrackted to light and light was attracked to darkness. It all went downhill on that one terrible afternoon during the quest when Khione attacked the ship and Leo was no where to be seen after that. He never looked at you in the same way again once Calypso stepped into the picture. The once spark lit by Nico died quickly once he laid eyes on her, he flirted with her in front of you, he had feelings for someone else. A mother fucking Goddess which you could never compete with. A Goddess trapped on an Island for a few thousand years, and she probably fell in love with a lot of other guys before Leo. Percy Jackson, you knew for instance. She changed the way Leo looked at you, even though he barely did anymore.

You never dreamed that Calypso would be set free from her Island. Yet here she was. Did the Gods and Goddesses above even approve of this? You didn't think they did. Now she strode around scott-free around Camp Half Blood with one of the first people that actually managed to get you to talk.

It disgusted you to a point, how Leo could so easily throw you away without any shame whatsoever. You could never bring yourself to hate the Goddess, after all, it was Leo's fault he didn't care about other people's feelings, not hers. So you took her under your wing. She was kind and sweet. She deserved to have somenone to be forever with like everyone else. So you continued to watch the two, silently wishing you were in Calypso's place.

"Same here," A low and hallow voice chimes into your thoughts.

You looked t oyour right to see Nico sitting next to you. His dark eyes were fixed in the direction of the lake. You followed his gaze, you found the two Demigods that seemed to have dampered his mood worse, more so than usual. At the edge of the deck, sat Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, holding hands and feet dipped in the crystal blue water.

You were the only other person to know of Nico's crush on the son of Poseidon. You put two-and-two together and made the connection. At first, the Prince of the Underworld never crossed your mind as someone who liked guys, but your mom always told you to never judge a book by its cover. It did kind of make sense because Percy and you were one of the first people to welcome Nico into camp. Not to mention Percy was one of the bravest Demigods at camp. He was a twice saviour of Olympus and to Nico's display: absolutely straight.

"It sucks doesn't it? The Heroes of Olympus get everything handed to them on a silver platter while we have to sit here working our butts off to just stay alive." You scoffed looking back at Leo and Calypso.

Nico sighs in deeply. "They've earned the right for someone to love."

You look at him. "Everyone has the right to love someone, sunshine." Sunshine. It was something you had come up for the Son of Hades. Opposite of death and darkness.

Nico x reader One shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora