Jungle worms

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"(Y/N), come on!" Percy called as he reached the door of the cabin. You stumbled in, your arms loaded with both of your bags and quest gear. 

You dropped everything and leaned against the door of the Demeter cabin. You yelped as the door opened allowing you to fall inside. It was Katie Garnder.

"Oh Gods, (Y/N), are you okay?" Katie asked helping you up.

"No, I don't know what's happening the world is spinning." You said looking at the rotating floor and walls.

"How you doing?" Percy asked. YOu glared at him leaning against the pillar of the cabin throwing down your sword. "I feel like I'm dying Perce! You know when I fell of that cliff? You know what dying feels like then coming back from being dunked into ice cold water?"

"I should get you to Will." He said.

"No," you said picking up your hat and swinging it threw your arms then picking up each of the bags. "no, no don't do that just open the door so I can be alone and die quietly."

"Okay," he says opening the door knob, you were so dizzy you didn't notice a very worried boyfriend and girlfriend waiting for the both of you.

"Oh," you groaned hugging your sides and falling on your knees. "going down."

"Is she okay?" Nico asked rushing towards you and helping you up.

"No, she is like, dying." Percy chuckled.

"Woah, (Y/N), you look really sick are you okay?" Annabeth asked.

"We think she has jungle worms but we can't be sure." Percy said, Nico yelped and dropped you on the couch making you yelp as well and fall on the floor face-down. Percy bent down and helped you back onto the couch.

"What are Jungle worms?" Nico asked placing his hand on your forehead where you had an extremely high temperature so he kept it there.

"They're these I don't know disgusting parasites that set up camp in your stomach, how in the world did she get it?" Annabeth asked.

"Must have been in the water after she fell of the cliff." Percy said non-chalantly with a shrug. Nico's face turned to absolute rage as he shot to his feet. "SHE WHAT?!"

"Relax Nico, she survived didn't she? She's right here, safe and sound- okay." He covered his head as you began hitting him with the but of your dagger.

"Why are the symptoms?" Nico asked.

"Uh, dry mouth." Percy said.

"I'm so thirsty." You complained.


"Can someone cover me with a blanket?" You asked, Nico took the bright blue one beside you and wrapped you in it.

"Moaning.." Percy continued. You clutched your stomach and moaned.

"Goaning..." You groaned then too.

"And a lot of you know-" just then you shot up and ran to the bathroom vomitting out whatever was in your system. "Oh yeah, vomitting."

"Poor kid." Annabeth said.

"Yeah, one of us should probably get in there and help her." Percy said clapping Nico on the back. "Don't touch me." Nico snarled swatting his hand away before running to you and pulling your hair back.


You sat on the counter top with Will's thermometer in your mouth and Nico holding your hand. The thermometer beaped and he ttook it out examining it. "So, am I better?" you asked as Nico helped you hop off. "Are my Jungle worms gone?"

"Oh yeah, you recover quite quickly (Y/N), you're pretty much over it." he said proudly putting his  stuff away. "But, you could still be contagious so don't go kissing Nico alright." Will continued looking between the two of you.

"Oh, alright, we barely kiss anyway." You said. Will chuckled. "I didn't think so." You and Nico looked at each other with shocked faces as Will left the cabin. "I'll be in the infirmary if you need me again." and the door closed behind him.

"Well, that was rude." You said crossing your arms.

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