Hanging with the losers

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{A/N}: Hey ya'll, this is based on the IT 2017 version feel free to read it but if you don't want to or never watched IT you don't have to it won't hurt my feelings.

Curse these fucking rumours.

What rumours? The ones that Greta and Hilda spread saying that you're a slut and do all the fucking boys at school. Percy, Nico, Leo, Frank and the girls try their best to reassure you that it doesn't matter what they think and you believed them. Well not so much, you still shut yourself away in the bathroom stalls during lunch time even then you're not really shielded.

"Are you all in there by yourself (Y/N)? Or do you have half the guys in the school with you huh slut?!" Greta yells banging on the door, you flinched. "Come out you little shit I know you're in there I can smell you." She continues yelling.

"W-what am I? A s-slut or a l-little s-shit m-make up y-your mind." You stutter back. Another reason for getting bullied.

"You're trash we just came to remind you." Greta calls.

Oh no. You knew exactly what was going to happen as soon as you heard the garbage bag. You lifted it above your head in time as the vomit or whatever it was came pouring down from the next stall. You gagged as it hit your bag and spilled on the floor.

"Leave her alone for Hades's sake!" You hear a familiar voice shout. Annabeth.

"What ever hairy Annie." Greta laughs as he squad walks out with her.

"(Y/N)?" This is Piper's voice, she knocked gently on the stall door. You opened it while holding your bag with a crocked smile on your face. "H-hey." you say.

"Are you alright (Y/N)?" Annie asks, you nodded.

"I-it b-barely g-got on me j-just my b-bag." They both led you out of the bathroom flanked on either side of you.

"(Y/N)- what's that smell?" Leo asks running towards you three, you looked down in shame. "oh right," Leo says. "Greta."

"I'm going to fucking kill that bitch." Nico mutters so only you can hear it, it's a wonder he's still your boyfriend after all the rumours.

"C-c-calm d-d-down N-Nico." You said. He nodded taking a deep breath.

"We've been having our own problems as well." Your two brothers, Bill and Percy said coming to your side protectively. 

"The Bowers gang?" Hazel asks, Frank nodded.

You, the 7, Billy, Richie, Eddie and Stan walked to the front door and emptied your bags into the trash relishing in the feeling.

"Best feeling ever." Stan comments.

"Easy for you to say." Annabeth said. She loved school.

"Yeah? try feeling your pickles the first time." Richie said. You scrunched your nose he was disgusting sometimes. Nico scowled at him.

"Hey, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Eddie asked, you were going to camp of course.

"We're going to our summer camp." Percy said.

"And I'm starting my training." Richie added.

"What training?" Eddie and Leo asked at the same time.

"Street fighter."

"Y-y-you c-c-could go t-t-to Cla-Clarisse for some o-of t-t-those l-l-lessons." You said as she walked past glaring at you, Leo laughed and gave you a fist bump.

"Is that how you want to spend your summer? In an arcade?" Eddie asks.

"Beats spending it inside of your mother, oh!" Richie held up his hand to high-five Stan. You elbowed him in the stomach while Stan put his hand down.

"What if we go to the quarry?" Stan suggests.

"W-w-we're g-going to t-the B-Barrens." Bill stuttered, your eyes took a sudden interest in the floor, you put a hand around his shoulders and he smiled at you. Eddie pointed out one of the missing kid's mother waiting, you felt your heart drop because you knew exactly how she felt passing Georgie's empty bedroom everyday.

"S-she's not dead s-she went missing." Billy points out.

Richie adjusts his glasses. "Sorry Bill she's missing."

You and Bill walk away leaving the 7 standing there with Richie, Eddie and Stan. 

"You know the Barrens aren't that bad." Richie said. "A lot of splashing around in shitty water-" Suddenly yours and Richie's backpacks were yanked backwards causing Richie to collied into Stan and you to crash into Henry fucking Bowers.

"Nice frisby flamer." Patric said holding up Stan's hat.

"Give it back!" He snapped trying to get it.

"Fuckin losers," he laughed flinging the hat into a nearby bus that was passing.

You tried to stand up but the blond one pulled your hair that you recently cut causing you to hiss in pain, he was to strong for even Nico and Leo, you could tell Leo was trying his best not to burt into flames. The blond Henry Bowers hissed in your ear.

"Having fun slut?" and flung you to the ground next to Stan. Your eyes met those of the police officer standing next to Betty Rimpson's mom who raised an eyebrow, you smirked.

"Bowers you have exactly three seconds to leave us alone," you said holding three fingers up. "or I'll alert that harsh looking plice officer their and you'll spend the entire summer in Juvanile jail."

Bowers glared at at you before taking out his knife and striking it across your cheekbone, your face held no reaction whatsoever.

"Y-y-y-y-you s-s-s-suck B-b-b-bowers." Bill stuttered, you and Eddie tried to shut him up but Bowers turned around. "You suh-suh-suh-suh-suh-say something?" He mocked your brother. "Buh-buh-buh-buh-Billy?"

"This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your faggot friends." With that he licked his hand and smeared it on the side of Bill's face making you gag.

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