Safe and sound

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{Child of Poseidon. Sorry if your singing voice is great, which it probably is, just pretend.}

You, Nico and Leo were walking around Camp when you noticed a pinned up sign near the Apollo cabin. It read that they needed a new singer preferbly someone who was not a child of Apollo. You wanted to try out badly but you had MAJOR stage fright, you could not be in front of crowds of people without feeling like you want to hyperventilate.

"You should try out (Y/N), you have a really great voice." Leo said nudging your shoulder.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." You tried to lie. Of course you were a really bad lier so they didn't believe you one bit.

"Oh come on (Y/N)! I've heard you before when we were working on a project together your voice sounded practically like Calypso's." Leo argued.

"Leo you know she has stage fright." Nico scolded him. You two are boyfriend and girlfriend but no one who didn't know could hardly tell since you should zero affection in public not even holding hands.

"Yeah this could be a way for her to get over her stage fright." Leo said. You turned to him, he hardly ever spoke logic like that freely.

"Okay, okay I'll do it." You said. Leo high-fived you.

So later that day, you walked into the Apollo cabin with Nico trailing behind you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. You gulped. The whole cabin was inside, Will, Austin and Kayla were the 'judges'. You were about to turn aronud and go through the door when Nico caught your shoulders and turned you around leading you to the back of the cabin. "It's okay, I'll be by your side the whole time." Nico whispered in your ear. You nodded.

"Well, (Y/N), you can begin." Will said smiling. You took a deep breath and began, but not before turning around to not face the crowd unfortunately Nico turned you around agai

You ended up doing the whole performance with your back facing the audience it did kind of help with your fear though. When you turned around everyone was staring with their mouths open, Will's pencil clattered to the floor in surprise. Then Kayla started clapping followed by the rest. You felt your face flush as they did. Will slung an arm around your shoulders ignoring Nico's death glare.

"It looks like we have our new singer." he said proudly.

At dinner you picked at your food, your stomach was twisting into a nervous knot. You didn't know but Nico was worried about you.

"Hey sis, why aren't you eating?" Percy asked with a mouthful of blue pancakes.

"Chew first, than talk seaweed brain." Annabeth scolded. He swallowed.

"I'm not really hungry." You said standing up and runnning out of the pavilion. You sat on a bench and buried your face in your hands, why oh why did have to do that stupid audition? What if you tripped and fell or something? Ugghh things are so complicated it's sickening. You felt a little more weight being added on the bench next to you. The shadows darkened and the air turned a little cooler so you knew it was your boyfriend without looking up.

"You'll be fine." Nico assured.

You shook your head, "I can't do this Nico I'd rather battle a Hydra."

He chuckled. "Trust me, you wouldn't." he paused. "I promise I'll be by your side the entire time."

You smiled and wiped your eyes. "Did I tell you that your the best boyfriend ever?"

"You did mention it from time to time."

He pulled you into a hug and you rested your head on his shoulder and sighed contently. You stayed like that until people started sitting around the campfire. You got enough courage to walk to the center of the circle but when you saw the whole camp their you tried to make a run for it, but Leo and Piper pushed you back.

"Ladies and gents," Will said standing by the mike. "Let me introduce our new singer: (Y/N) (Y/L/N) Daughter of Poseidon!"

The roar of the crowd was defening but no one cheered louder than the 7, it made your heart flutter. When you started, at first your back was turned again but Nico and Percy made sure you faced the front. of  course everyone loved it.

 comment your godly parent I'm an Athena child.

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