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The taunts and the teasings just kept flowing in.

You would try your best and not get angry which would result in bursting into flames but they would just press harder. The Ares kids —mainly Aaron— picked on you a lot just because you weren't as strong and as in control as your older brother Leo. It was tough because you were just as worthless a fighter and in strategizing.

You relied on Leo and your boyfriend Nico di Angelo to protect you in a fight and told them what to do to avoid getting hurt, perks of being blessed by Apollo.

You walked through the camp to get to the training arena with a pack of Ares kids following you and throwing insults at your back to provoke you into bursting into flames while you attempted to block them out.

"You call yourself strong?! You can barely lift fifty pounds!"

Ignore them.

"Why did Haphaestus claim you anyways? You're ust pathetic and an embarrassment!"

Your eyes began to water, you held back the tears causing your skin to begin smoking.

Suddenly, the sky darkened and a large rumbling shook the vally. Cracks began to snake their way around the Ares Campres feet and their eyes widened. Armed skeletons began to crawl out of the cracks as well as fire shooting out of them made the surrounding campers scream and run in fear.

Two strong, cold arms found themselves around your waist and pulled you into a solid chest with a soft chin resting on your forehead. A figure stood in your line of vision, his palms stretched outwards and flames dancing along them.

Nico's slight laugh sent vibrations through your body. "Look at them. They claim you're weak but they can't handle a few undead soldiers or fire."

You chuckled and leaned into his embrace as Leo craned his neck to grin at the two of you. "Thanks Neeks,"

"Aaaaand Leo!" Leo added.

"And you two Leo."

"Watch this,"Nico whispered into your ear. He walked up to Aaron, who tripped in an attempt to flee. He picked him up by his collar and pushed him up the wall which his head hit with a sickening crack.

"The next time you belittle my girlfriend, I won't hesistate to drag you through Tartarus and back and I will do it with a smile on my face. Got it?" The sky rumbled and the ground shook reflecting the Son of Hades' anger. The flames in the torchers around the cabins seemed to burn brighter.

Aaron nodded furiously which gave Nico grim satisfation to let him go. The rest of the Ares kids cowered in fear when Nico faced them.

Nico smiled and pulled you into a breath-taking hug. "You're strong, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


Hi! This oneshot is not mine! It belongs to @SimplyPossilbe 's book of Percy Jackson oneshots. Sorry for not updating for so long.

Nico x reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now