The best night ever

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{Child of Poseidon}

"(Y/N) who are you going to prom with?" Annabeth asks. Chiron allowed the Aphrodite to throw a prom at the camp don't ask why. "I-I don't know" You say, you was thinking about Nico, your best friend but he hated prom. "Oooh I have the perfect dress for you!" Piper squeals running to her bed. She pulls out a stunning black dress with a diamond belt and shoulder straps.

Feeling the fabric, looking at it in awe you say. "Piper...its beautiful but...I don't even have a date" you say sadly. "Don't worry about that we got it covered" oh no what were these girls planning. "Yup" Annabeth says. They do (Y/C/H) an your ready to go.

They go get ready and have similar outfits to me but grey and blue. "You guys ready? oh and (Y/N) look for someone with the same color suit as you" Piper says with a wink.

 You walk in and Piper and Annabeth go find Jason and Percy they left you standing there awkwardly. "Hey." You hear a voice and turn and see Nico? with the same color suit as your dress, omg omg omg he's your date! "Hey I didn't know you go to proms" you're completely flustered. He looked incredibly hot in a shirt, suit pants and bow tie.

"You look beautiful by the way" he says. "T-thank you" ugh stupid stammering, you think. "May I have this dance?" Nico asks holding out his hand. "Of course" you said taking it. You and Nico step out on the dance floor and he places his hands on your waist and you put yours around his neck.

You sway to the music letting him lead because  you were no good at dancing "(Y/N), I really, really like you but I didn't know how to tell you." You were shocked but you managed to reply. "I-I really, really like you too Nico, but I was scared I was gonna-" he cut you off by placing a gentle kiss on your lips. "I-I love you" "I love you too" I said. BEST. NIGHT. EVER

Nico x reader One shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon