Party on my mind

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{Child of Poseidon}

"C'mon Neeks it'll be fun" You said trying to convince your boyfriend for the past hour to come with me to the party Piper invited you to.

 He sighed: "Only for you and I don't want you to go alone." "Yes!" You said as you kissed him. You went to get ready, you decided to wear a black dress because  just like Nico, you love black. 

You made your hair similar to a half up-half down style and a light eye shadow color. With and earing and necklace set you were ready.

When Nico came to pick you up from your cabin he gaped at you. "Y-you look amazing" he says pulling you gently on top of him. 

You blushed "I didn't do much really."

 "You better hope no one else has their eye on you because then I'll have to punch them." he said playfully. 

You walked in arm in arm to the Aphrodite cabin. "(Y/N)! Nico!" You saw the 7 there waving to you to come over by some comfortable couches they were sitting on. 

When you went there and Leo wolf whistled: "Girl, you looking fine." earning a death glare from Nico. "(Y/N) you must tell us how you managed to get Nico to come, he hates parties." Percy says.

 You giggle: "It wasn't easy convincing Mr ghost king here was it?" You said punching him playfully. 

He rolls his eyes. "I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back in two minutes" You said leaving the room, because you started feeling nauseous all of a sudden. 

When you get to the bathroom, Jake a player from the Aphrodite cabin says: "Hey cutie wanna do a quickie?" he says giving you a wink. "Ew go to hell" You said disgustedly. 

He kisses you roughly on the mouth. He's way to strong for you  to break away when you felt him get blown backwards.

You turn to  see an angry, boiling Nico and Percy standing next to me his face full of rage. "Stay. Away. From. Her" he says giving the guy another punch. 

He pulled you all the way out of the Aphrodite cabin to his cabin. "N-Nico I-I-" You break down because you didn't expect that to happen, he puts a comforting arm around you while you  sob. "Its ok" he whispers while stroking your hair.

 You calm down after a while and snuggle next to Nico, enjoying his warmth and his comfort. "I'll never let anything happen to you mi amour, never." he says giving you a soft kiss on the forehead.

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