Danny Phantom imagine

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Imagine being Danny Phantom's sister and you have to take Nico to meet your parents.


You two were lying on his bed in his cabin when he turns to you. "(Y/N)?"


"When can I meet your parents?"

You gulped, that's the topic you've been dreading ever since dating Nico, sure your sister and brother are fine but your parents...were well a little over the top and dramatic and you didn't think they'd do well since Nico was a son of Hades and you were a daughter of Thanatos.

"Um...never?" You said hopefully, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Why not?"

"B-because..." You didn't know what to say. He took your hands in his cold ones. "(Y/N), I'm not like the others, I'll never ever judge you for who you are, don't you trust me?"

You trusted him with all your heart, your life even. "My parents...they're a little senile..." a little didn't even cover it, they were completely and utterly crazy but you'd never say it to them. Though Danny and Jasmine were fine, normal mortals you resented them a little for that.

"Okay you can meet them when school starts but don't freak out okay?" You asked. "Okay?" He arched an eyebrow and you took a deep breath.

"They catch ghosts."

Shock crossed his face for a minute, then he burst out laughing much to your confusion. 

"Why are you laughing?"

"T-that's, t-that's what you're worried about? (Y/N) you're the daughter of death and I'm the Son of the Underworld I think that's the most normal or absolute crazy parents can go."

That's why you loved this boy. You smiled punching him on the shoulder. 

"Will I get to meet Sam, Max and Danny again?"

You nodded. "Yup they're always there with him."


"Seriously Danny? did this have to happen when my boyfriend is coming over?"

Danny just told you about how he miraculously became a ghost, you noticed how his arm somehow became transparent but you didn't think anything of it but now it's a problem.

"I'm sorry it just kind of happened."

You pressed your temples. "Whatever can you and mom and dad just be 'normal' when he comes over?"

"Sure, sure but I'm guessing Jasmine is overly excited."

"That I am!" Came a sing-song voice as Jasmine skipped into the room wrapping her arms around your shoulders which you shrugged off.

"No touching." You growled.

"You let Nico touch you." She pouted, you blushed heavily, it was A LOT more than just touching sometimes. Danny snickered and you punched him hard on the shoulder.

"Ouch! that hurt!"

"Good." You growled.


You panicked. "He's here, he's here!"

Danny rolled his eyes. "No that's Max and Sam dumbass. I'll get the door."

"Oh no you won't." You shoved him out of the way and bounded down the stairs before your parents could get to the door first, to your relief it was just Sam and Max.

"Hey (Y/N), what's up." Max came in giving you a fist bump and Sam your secret handshake.

You waited anxiously, tapping your fingers on your thighs smoothing your skirt unnecessarily. When your parents came in you sighed because they were dressed normally.

Ding-dong once again.

You stood up and shot warning and deadly glances at your family and friends. "No weirdness. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." They did a mock salute and you growled stomping your way to the door. When you opened it, your face softened almost immediately. There he was standing like an angle descending from Elysium.

"Nico." You greeted him, he nodded, he wasn't one for PDA and neither were you, though this time he took your hand and smiled. You walked to where your family was sitting.

"Mom, dad, this is Nico di Angelo." You said, their faces lit up like the sun. Dinner went by smoothly thank Hades and they seemed to really like him though who wouldn't? When you gave him a good-bye kiss Danny said. "Get a room." Which resulted in both Max and Sam bonking him on the head.

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