Having your baby - Chandler

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Imagine for @JordanSebastian

It's not that late in the afternoon, you have just waddled your nine months pregnant ass over to the fridge to grab something to drink. You really have been craving milk, it's about the only thing you want to drink during this pregnancy, which is weird considering you didn't like it before.

"Is it okay if I put it on another channel?" Joey asks from his chair.

"Ofcourse." you answer as you make your way back over to him, what takes you a lot of time right now.

You finally reach Chandler's chair and let yourself fall into it like you always do, the chair is so comfortable but somehow this time it doesn't feel as nice to you. It doesn't take long before you feel something wet underneath you, you look down and realize that it's coming out of you and you first think it might be some pee but quickly get rid of that idea as you feel some pain in your lower stomach.

"Oh god.."

"I know right, she is so hot.." Joey nods as his eyes stay glued to the tv screen.

"No Joe. My water broke!" you cry out.

He immediately turns his head over towards you as his eyes are getting big, at first he can't seem to process what's happening but he's not the only one. Your baby was supposed to come next week, you hadn't felt anything yet and so had never thought that she would come earlier then you would expect her to come out.

Joey runs out the apartment and you hope it's because he realized that Chandler is in Monica's apartment, he went over there to ask her some tips on a meal that he was planning to make for you. You two had planned the last date together without the baby tonight, he was so excited to cook for you but now that's off the table.

You try to stay calm as you realize what is happening, you're actually going into labor. You hear many people walking into the apartment behind you but you try to focus on just one person and that is Chandler, because you need him besides you right now.

"Y/n?!" Chandler calls out as he appears besides you.

"It's happening.." you mumble, grabbing his hand as he tries his best not to freak out but he's kind of failing because you can see the terror in his eyes. You know this whole being pregnant thing is hard on Chandler, he's scared he will do something wrong so you guess for the delivery he's the most terrified that he'll ever be.

Luckily, Monica and Phoebe are soon by your side and they are arguing with Chandler, Joey and Ross on whether to take you with a cab or Phoebe's car that's basically an old cab. You are terrified of that car, always have been because there are a lot of things wrong with it but you can't really focus on arguing about it because you're having contractions.

"Ross, you time how much time their is inbetween contractions while Phoebe goes and gets her car, Joey and Chandler help Y/n out of her chair." Monica takes charge of the whole thing.

"How will I know when she has a contraction?" Ross asks, all confused.

"Don't worry, you will be able to tell." you say before a groan leaves your mouth as another contraction shows up.

"Was that one? Are you having one right now? Do they hurt?" Ross asks all those questions as he kneels down beside you.

"No Ross.. they feel amazing!" you snap, voice filled with sarcasm as the pain of the contraction is flowing through your body.

Monica tells Ross to back off and you're still holding onto Chandler's hand that you might have crushed by now, he and Joey are talking to one another as they're trying to get you out of the chair. Eventually you stand on your both feet again, it takes a lot for you not to freak out with everyone freaking out around you but you decide to just focus on your breathing.

The trip to the hospital was probably the most terrifying and traumatic thing you experienced and you haven't even given birth yet. Phoebe insisted on driving and her driving skills mixed with the New York traffic is a recipe for disaster. Rachel actually was the first person to arrive at the hospital, she immediately came from her work after getting Monica's call, she arranged for a wheelchair so they can just wheel you into the hospital.

"Okay.. I understand that you all are excited to see the baby, but I can only allow one person to be in the delivery room." the nurse explains, immediately Rachel, Monica and Phoebe put their hands in the air and ask you to pick one of them which makes you roll your eyes because you can't really deal with this right now.

"And I was about to say that it obviously will be the father I allow in." the nurse continious.

"I knew that, just excited." Monica tells her, giving her an awkward laugh.

They all proceed into giving you a kiss on the head and wishing you good luck before the nurse drives you towards the delivery room. Chandler is still holding onto your hand and it's quite adorable to see how nervous he is and how he tries to hide it.

Finally in the room, you take place on the bed and let the nurse prepare you so the doctor can come and feel how dilated you are. You take a deep breath as you feel another contraction come up and stick out your hand that is no longer held by Chandler.

"I'm sorry, I'm here." you hear Chandler say before he takes a hold of your hand and brings it up to his face. "I'm here." he mumbles, before kissing you on the hand.

You huff and puff your way through the contraction and once it fades away, you let your head fall back against the pillow and take a look at Chandler. He leans down so he can press a kiss against your head, "How are you feeling?" he mumbles against your skin.

"Sweaty, huge, emotional, and surprised that you haven't told one joke to cope with what's happening." you say.

"Right! I'm really doing great, who would of have thought? Not me." Chandler says what makes you chuckle.

It takes five hours before you're fully dilated and ready to deliver your baby. The moment is finally there and it scares the living shit out of you, you're actually going to become a mother.. oh god.. Chandler cracked during the waiting proces and he has become himself again, he has told to many jokes and made to many sarcastic comments that it almost drove you to the point of sending him out of the room.

Like a miracle, you give birth to a healthy little girl. The doctor places her into your arms as the sound of her cries are filling up the room. Tears are rolling down your cheeks as you can't believe that you gave birth to such a pretty, tiny human being. When you turn your head to look at Chandler, you can see how tears fill up his eyes as his hand is placed infront of his mouth like he just gasped.

"Is this really my baby, she has dark hair.. sure you didn't cheat on me with Joey?" Chandler jokes as he moves his finger down so he can caress your daughter's cheek.

You smack him on the shoulder and it makes him laugh, you also break into light laughter as you watch how he brings his face closer towards you.

"Thank you for having my baby." he whispers before pecking you on the lips and then placing a kiss onto your baby's head.

On this episode of scenes that live in my head rent free:

----On this episode of scenes that live in my head rent free:

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